ID: 30463
[Daily/Alliance] Housewarming
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Argent Manor
Level: 58
Asmodian Only

Kill the creatures obstructing Morikin's exploration of Argent Manor. Cadella(1) Unfinished Ingress(1) Zadra Spellweaver(1) Talk to Morikin. Morikin wants to explore Dorgel Manor to impress the Shulack Adventure Society. Get rid of the enemies in his way.
Morikin wants to explore Dorgel Manor to really wow the Shulack Adventure Society. But some of the monsters there were too strong for him.

As he asked, you got rid of Cadella, Ingress Shard, and Zadra Spellweaver. He was quite excited at the thought of being able to join the SAS.

Full quest's text:
Thanks to you, I explored Ladis Forest and saw Dorgel Manor.

What a scary, dangerous place! If I mapped it out, the Shulack Adventure Society would let me join for sure!

There is just small problem with doing that....

Player: "It's scary and dangerous?"

Exactly! SAS likes Shulacks who risk life and tail, but I am not sure I want to do it THAT way!

Golems are not so bad. I can hide from them! But there are nastier things in there that kill Shulacks dead!

If you could just kill them first, then I know I can join SAS! I will pay you well!

Player: Accept.

I will remember you forever! SAS is big step up for me!

The big nasties are Cadella, Unfinished Ingress, and Zadra Spellweaver.

Let me know when you are done, and I can go to Dorgel Manor myself.

Player: "I live to serve."

Uh oh.... Ever since the existence of Dorgel Manor got leaked, all sorts of Shulacks are flocking there.

See, I told you the Shulack Adventure Society was big deal! Now I have all kinds of competition!

If I want to join, I should leave right away. Is it safe to go in? Huh? Is it safe??

Player: "Safe enough for you."

What a relief! Now I can be a big brave explorer without actually risking my life!

But with the new competition, I might have to map Dorgel Manor many times to make impression. Might need your help again.

But that is later! I should go now! Thank you, Player, for helping my dream come true!

Basic Reward
icon 30 463 XP
icon x 30 463
Additional info
Quest giverMewrinerk
Recommended level58
Repeat count10
Quest renewal daysEvery Day
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Alliance] Undoing Spellweaver

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