ID: 3966
Salute! A New Uniform
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sanctum
Level: 10
Elyos Only

Ask Deurone for her thoughts on the new uniform design. Ask Celestine for her thoughts on the new uniform design. Ask Erone for her thoughts on the new uniform design. Talk to Andu. Andu is designing a new uniform for the Daevas of Life. Meet some of them to find out what they'd like to see.
Andu was commissioned to create a new uniform for the Daevas of Life and must incorporate the Daevas' opinions into his design.

You gathered suggestions from Deurone, Celestine, and Erone and then returned to Andu's design house, where they were warmly received.

Full quest's text:
(muttering to himself) Oh, no...certainly. I don't mind going the extra distance to please a customer. I'll just listen to any mindless request any heathen makes.

It's not like I'm an expert in these sorts of things. If you want plaid, then yes! I'll get you plaid. I'll just nip over to Palentine's and borrow some. I'm sure she uses plenty.

Ah, a customer! So, Player, you're interested in my work as well, are you?

Player: "It seems interesting."

You seem like the oh-so-earnest type, so maybe--if you swear you'll do exactly what I tell you and not go out on your own--you might be able to help me with a problem.

The Daevas of Life have asked me to design their new uniforms. I was thrilled to be asked! A chance to exercise my abilities, to layer textures and pieces just so until they achieve the ultimate expression of magnificence!

However, the customers seem to think they should have some sort of input. They'll say things like "make the hemlines longer" and "does that come in octaside sobi" as though they had any idea what the slightest change could mean to the entire creation!

I can't bear to hear it. Will you pretend you have some modicum of experience? Just round up their opinions so that I may cry over their indignities upon the world of fashion before I begin my work.

Player: Accept.

Well? What are you still doing here? Go meet the Daevas of Life and ask for their design suggestions for the new uniform.

No, you don't have to meet all of them. Do you think that in the thousands of years I've been designing that I have seen every customer who might someday wear a particular uniform? Would you expect a chef in a large restaurant to gather feedback from every diner, every day, every meal?

I suggest you seek out Deurone, Celestine, and Erone. I'll leave you to it then.

Player: "Yes, Andu."

Phew! It's unbelievably hot.

With the water shortage--even now that we've taken water from the Lepharists--I can never seem to cool off...nor wash my clothes!

You'll want to leave this outpost soon, I imagine.

Player: "About your new uniforms..."

Oh! I've heard Andu's designing our uniforms! Have you met him in person? Is it true what they say? That he's the handsomest man in Atreia? How I envy your association with that beautiful man.

I suppose what's important in a uniform for me is simply staying cool in this hot, dry weather. Oh, and something that's easy to wash.

I'm sorry I don't have any other ideas for you.

Player: "Andu will appreciate your input."

Eltnen's land is dying so quickly. I fear we cannot stop the decay's progress.

Though many Daevas banded together to drive out pernicious creatures and sow the seeds of the forest's restoration, we can only do so much in the face of such destruction.

Can you spare some time to help us preserve this land?

Player: "Actually, I have a question..."

Our uniforms? Oh, to be carefree and worry over trifles!

The one we have now is more than good enough...though there is one improvement I'd like to see.

I can't tell you how often our uniform jackets get caught on twigs and branches whenever we patrol the remaining forest. I'd like something shorter.

Player: "May Yustiel bless your endeavors."

It's refreshing to see a new face this far off the major flight lanes.

Are you traveling? I don't know where you might be going, but it's dangerous to leave the village.

Only Arbolu's blessing and our vigilant defenders keep us safe from the looming undead and contaminated Elim.

Player: "I've come to ask you something..."

That's wonderful! I didn't even know we were getting new uniforms. That'll bring a spot of brightness into our days. Do you know who the designer will be?

Ah, Andu! I enjoyed seeing his work when I lived in Sanctum, but I could only afford to look. To think I'll be wearing something of his...

Hm...I'm sure the design should be left to the professionals, but I want to see a new color. Vivid pink, for example.

Player: "Andu loves pink...sometimes."

Don't! Interrupt!

(Fervently draws in a thick notebook.)

What do we do when I am sketching out new designs? Yes, hello? Kobold got your tongue?

That's correct, we Don't Interrupt! What do you want?

Player: "I have your opinions."

A well-breathing, maneuverable piece? In a new color? What do they think I'd been planning to give them? A column made out of Balic metal maybe? Oh, I know! A muddy-brown miniskirt with putrescent pink stitching so delicate that it would unravel on the first washing!

I am, amazingly enough, competent in the ways of uniform design.

Thank you, Player, from the bottom of my heart for bringing me this utterly useless tripe. Now I can begin working.

Basic Reward
icon 2 700 XP
icon x 9 110
Additional info
Quest giverAndu
Recommended level10
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
GenderFemale Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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