ID: 4704
Prototype Weapon
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Level: 25
Asmodian Only

Collect weapons from the Weapons Chests and take them to Leban. PlayerPrototype Weapons are needed. Collect them from the Nochsana Training Camp and take them to Leban.
Eulos said that the Balaur were testing newly developed weapons in the Nochsana Training Camp and asked you to get some of them.

You found test weapons in the weapon chests inside and took them to him. Eulos said that he would send them to Pandaemonium for further analysis.

Full quest's text:
So you're going to the Nochsana Training Camp, I heard. I need a favor as long as you're heading over there.

I need something from there.

Player: "Oh? What is it you need?"

The Prototype Weapons. They are constantly developing new weapons and the first place they send the new creations is Nochsana Training Camp.

They can't just throw the items onto the battlefield and hope for the best--that would be madness. The Balaur aren't as stupid as we might like.

One of our scouts said that the test weapons are kept inside Balaur Weapons Chests. I need you to bring back that weapon.

Player: Accept.

Collect Prototype Weapons from the Weapons Chests. Once you've got them, bring them to me.

I'll send them to Pandaemonium, where our weapon experts can study them and get to work on the best ways to counter them.

I'll wait for you here. Hurry up, then.

Player: "On my way."

Ah, Player.

I presume you've brought me the Prototype Weapons I asked for.

Player: "I have. Here they are."

You've not gone yet?

Studying the weapons is so much more important than you realize. Go back and bring me what I've asked for.

Player: "The task is mine!"

This...this is discouraging.

This kind of weapon is so advanced...I hadn't realized that they were...

I'll get these sent off right away. Good job, Player. And thank you.

Basic Reward
icon 134 338 XP
icon x 108 690
Additional info
Quest giverLeban
Recommended level25
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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