ID: 4965
Secretive Communication
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Pandaemonium
Level: 50
Asmodian Only

Bring the Concentrated Vitality to Kasir. Take the Concentrated Vitality to Kasir inside the Hidden Library in the Temple of Knowledge.
Heimdall said the Concentrated Vitality cannot be used as it is, and its property must be transmuted.

He said Kasir, who is confined inside the Hidden Library in the Temple of Knowledge, can do the alteration. You went to him and handed over the Concentrated Vitality.

Full quest's text:
The Concentrated Vitality you obtained after defeating Brigade General Anuhart won't be of any use to you right now.

It might not empower you at all, may even corrupt your abilities..

But by applying certain kinds of expertise, perhaps we can transmute it into a form you can use against your foes.

Player: "Azphel grant it!"

Sadly, I can't do that myself--it's beyond my ability. But I may know someone...

Have you ever met Kasir, in the Temple of Knowledge? Take this Concentrated Vitality to him.

Go quickly and quietly, Player. If I go, too many eyes will see.

Player: Accept.

Kasir is in the Hidden Library inside the Temple of Knowledge.

I'm not saying he's a prisoner but I wouldn't bring him anything sharp. Or Aetheric. Or dangerous. Or anything, really.

And tell him I said Azphelumbra!

Player: "...Right. Wait, seriously?"

I smell Heimdall on you. What does he want? And what's that I sense about you?

You have something potent that stinks of Balaur.

Give it to me quickly, before the countless snitches notice what we're doing.

Player: "Snitches? Where?"

Intriguing. Yes, I can transmute this, though it may take some time. Of course, you're immortal, so why do you care?

Leave it to me, Player. I'll do what I can.

And tell Heimdall he can stuff his sarcasm where the sun shines.

Basic Reward
icon 1 347 585 XP
icon x 5 920
Additional info
Quest giverHresvelgr
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Group] Essence of Fate

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