ID: 80017
[Event] Socks on Walkabout
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Sanctum
Level: 10
Elyos Only

Find Sonaran's Dirty Sockss. PlayerFind the Dirty Socks and bring them to Sonaran.
Sonaran sent you looking for the Dirty Socks that the Idle Shugo Couriers had stolen.

Even though you brought the socks back empty, Sonaran was still relieved enough to reward you.

Full quest's text:
Oh, Daeva, thank goodness you're back! I need socks again! Dirty socks. I know it sounds weird, but it's true.

Player: "I'd give you mine, but my boots would rub."

Oh! Hahaha! Not just any old socks, no offense. I know I asked you to do this before, but apparently nothing I can do is enough to deter those shugos!

Y'see, I hung up the socks, like you're supposed to, and instead of being filled with presents, they disappeared again! I'm sure they've been dragged around half of Elysea by now, so they're bound to be covered in muck. But I'd still like to get them back.

Please find my Dirty Sockss for me!

Player: Accept.

It's probably those Idle Shugo Couriers again.

They're supposed to put the presents in the socks, not take them out! I know it's a bizarre tradition, but what tradition isn't?

Please, Daeva, find my Dirty Sockss.

Player: "Mmm, dirty socks!"

Ooooh, goody goody, you're back! And with my socks, too?

Please say you found them all!

Player: "I think I did. Here."

Really? You got the socks, but still no presents? Are you sure they were empty when you found them?

No, no, I'm not accusing you of anything...only, are you sure nothing fell out?

Oh, well, at least I have the socks back. But some Solorius this is going to be!
No, no, no, these aren't my Dirty Sockss. Didn't you go after the Idle Shugo Courier for them?

Like I told you already, they are supposed to put the presents IN, but instead they took the socks AWAY. Get it?

Player: "I get it! Sorry about that."

Basic Reward
icon 10 000 XP
icon x 20 000
- [Event] Gift Bundle
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
- [Event] Hat Box
Additional info
Quest giverSonaran
Recommended level10
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
[Event] Sock Hop

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