ID: 80021
[Event] Festive Us
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Pandaemonium
Level: 10
Asmodian Only

Bring the envelope to Zubinerk. Take a Solorius ticket to Skanin. Take a Solorius ticket to Grak. Report back to Rangidax. Rangidax asked you to find someone who's been doing volunteer work for the Solorius festival.
Rangidax, the organizer of the Solorius festival in Pandaemonium, asked you to find his volunteer Zubinerk somewhere in Altgard, and give him his wages.

When you give Zubinerk the envelope, he said he didn't feel as if he deserved it, and asked you to take the contents--two Solorius tickets--to Skanin and Grak.

Full quest's text:
Ooooh, Solorius! My favorite time of the year! And what are you doing to help the festivities, hmm?

Zubinerk doesn't seem to be doing much, even though he volunteered.

Player: "Sounds like you need a better volunteer."

Well, you work with the tools you have at hand. I told him I'd reward him if he kept his word, but he disappeared! Did you ever hear of a Shugo running out before they get paid?

I mean, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but I kinda promised. And I'm stuck here organizing things.

Oh, wait! You could do it, right? It's no big deal for you to track down some shugo who's MIA. I bet you have all kinds of ways of finding stuff.

Player: Accept.

I know Zubinerk was seen in the Heart of Impetusium, Basfelt Village, and Altgard Fortress before he disappeared. Since then...who knows?

I'm sure you can track him down, though, right, Daeva?

Player: "I have my ways."

What? Rangidax sent you? Oh, how embarrasing.

Zubinerk didn't know how much work Solorius takes. Running around everywhere on short little shugo legs is tiring, nyerk nyerk. Didn't get half the things on the list done.

Player: "He wants to give you something anyway."

What's that? Two festival tickets? Payment is too much, far too much, nyerk. Zubinerk not done nearly enough to earn this. Daeva must take it back!

Oh...can't do that. Insulting to Rangidax. What to do what to do?

That's it! Give tickets to Skanin and Grak! They asked for tickets, now there are spare tickets, problem solved! Oh, thank you, kind Daeva. ...You will take tickets, right?

Player: "Well, it is Solorius."

Azphel's armpits, Daeva! What have you been doing to work up that kind of a sweat in the middle of winter?

Slow down, put your claws up, drink some Solorius Punch...

Player: "No time! Zubinerk sends this."

Really? He remembered! I mean, I was only throwing it out there in case he got a spare one, but that little shugo really came through.

Not to mention your hard work running all over Asmodae. Thanks for this!

Player: "Happy Solorius!"

Oh, what now? As if I don't have enough to do already!

Player: "No need to bite my head off."

Sorry, sorry. I've just been so swamped. It's not fair to take that out on you.

And you're just here to give me something from Zubinerk? I feel worse than ever!

I guess it's not too late to get into the Solorius spirit, thanks to you.

Player: "Walk in Azphel's shadow, Grak."

Good to see you, Player. What did Zubinerk have to say for himself?

Player: "Well..."

Oh, poor Zubinerk, perhaps I've been putting too much pressure on him.

He put me to shame, handing out his tickets like that. Now THAT'S the Solorius spirit. Thanks for setting me straight, Daeva.

Basic Reward
icon 10 000 XP
icon x 20 000
- [Event] Pandaemonium Scroll
- [Event] Upgraded Polar Bear Transformation Candy
Additional optional reward when completed 5 times
- [Event] Token of Gratitude
Additional info
Quest giverRangidax
Recommended level10
Repeat count5
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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