ID: 80129
[Event] On a Full Stomach
icon Quest
Type: Events
Category: Pandaemonium
Level: 15
Asmodian Only

Collect Reian Rationss and give them to Glimma. PlayerKill the Reian automatons and bring their rations to Blingbling.
A militant anti-crabmeat Reian created mindless clones to get in Blingbling's way whenever she tried to make or eat a crab cake, or crab leg, or crab jumbalaya....

As she asked, you drove the clones away and collected their presumably vegetarian rations. Blingbling thanked you and gave you a reward.

Full quest's text:
Pah! Such faithless souls shouldn't multiply!

Player: "What's wrong?"

That Reian!

He thinks we should "all just get along" with the crabs. He doesn't understand Crab Fest.

And he shows no respect to the crabs, no fear of Aion's wrath. I need your strength to deal with him.

Player: Accept.

He's created Epiclones, automatons that chase after me whenever I try to make or consume crab.

I applaud his persistence, but not his aims. He keeps us from becoming one with the crabs! From eating tasty crab cakes.

Bring me their Reian Rations. I bet they make a hearty side dish.

Player: "Mmmmm. Crab cakes. Blood for blood!"

Ah, Crab Fest.

Storytelling, parades, food...

Player: "And here's some more food!"

Hah! This'll teach that sun-addled Reian.

Hide behind his mindless minions and try disrupt our festival, will he?

Good job, Player. You showed that weakling what for!
You come back, but without proof of successful combat?

Why haven't you destroyed the Epiclones and taken their Reian Rations as tribute?

Player: "Distracted by the crabs. I'm on it, though."

Basic Reward
icon 1 000 XP
icon x 5 000
- [Event] Snowflower Bundle
- [Event] Pandaemonium Scroll
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
- [Title] Festival Crab – 15-day pass
Additional info
Quest giverGlimma
Recommended level15
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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