ID: 2393
The Love of a Father
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 36
Asmodian Only

Scoop up the hot spring water at the Halabana Hot Springs and bring it to Kamer (1). Bring the hot spring water to Kamer so that his only daughter can have her wish.
Kamer said that his daughter had grown old and her only dying wish was to bathe in hot spring water. He asked you to gather some water from the hot springs in a container and return to him.

You went to the Halabana Hot Springs, dipped the hot spring water into the container and took it to Kamer.

Full quest's text:
Player, do you have children?

No? You are fortunate in a way. I have a daughter, my only child. Her name is Orlan.

I love her dearly. When I ascended I was happy that I would be able to protect her from harm, but I was wrong.

Player: "What's happened to her?"

Only life, Player. She married, gifted me with grandchildren, and has lived a wonderful life. But now she is quite old, and near to death.

There is no worse fate than watching your child die. If I could die instead and give her my immortality, I would.

Player: "I'm sorry, Kamer."

Orlan has one wish--to bathe in a hot spring. Sadly, she is too weak to leave home, and of course the Lepharist Revolutionaries are all around the Halabana Hot Springs.

I could never fight my way through them and return. But you could. Would you please bring me water from the hot springs?

Player: Accept.

Here is an insulated container to keep the spring water warm.

It will mean so much to Orlan to bathe in water from the Halabana Hot Springs. Thank you.

Player: "of course. Think nothing of it."

Oh, thank you, Player.

I don't know how to tell you this.... When I told Orlan that the water would arrive soon, she said that wasn't what she meant.

She wants to actually visit the hot springs. I'm really sorry....

Basic Reward
icon 1 496 758 XP
icon x 21 490
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverKamer
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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