ID: 1911
Материал для новой книги
icon Задание
Тип: Задания
Категория: Элизиум
Ур.: 999
Только для элийцев

Обычная награда
icon 22 500 XP
icon x 22 720
Дополнительные сведения
Задание выдаётМамея
Рекомендуемый ур.999
Количество повторов1
Можно разделить
Можно отменить
РасаТолько для элийцев
КлассВоин, Следопыт, Маг, Жрец, Инженер, Артист, Гладиатор, Страж, Убийца, Стрелок, Волшебник, Заклинатель, Чародей, Целитель, Снайпер, Бард, Пилот, Художник

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Сортировка: Оценка Дата
12-07-2014 22:25

Very low drop rate. I found out that Dukaki Bruiser has best chance.

26-07-2015 19:55

I don't think it was a "jackpot output" ... There's more than one type of box, a lesser (gives 1 mark), a normal (Unknown contents to me), and a greater (30 marks). As the name of this box implies, it was dropped in Gelkmaros. I had killed one of the mobs that drops the Inggison version only to find it dropped nothing. There's no real reason to move to Inggison to farm these boxes as an Asmodian. The honorable marks seem to be there only for you to lose the normal marks you have acquired. The bundle that costs ten of both, and returns 1-100 marks seems to be heavily weighted to drop less than ten, essentially making it useless without really good RNG luck.