ID: 11117
Medication for Setzkiki
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 53
Elyos Only

Talk with Cinisca. Talk with Meininerk. Talk with Seikin. Find out if there is medication that can help Setzkiki.
Seikin's sister Setzkiki is very sick. He asked you to talk to Cinisca to see if she had medicine that would help.

Cinisca didn't have the medicine, but she sent you to Meininerk, who did.

When you brought the medicine back to Seikin, he was very thankful.

Full quest's text:
Setzkiki is still very sick.

Her fur, it is matted and dull and it is hard for her to breathe. Poor little Setzkiki!

Player: "Is there anything more I can do?"

Maybe. Gelsezia told me that they have medical supplies in Soteria Sanctuary.

Can you go talk to Cinisca for me and ask if she has medicine to help Setzkiki?

Player: Accept.

Oh! Thank you, Daeva! You have been so nice to us!

Is my Setzkiki going to be okay? Do you think?

If Setzkiki dies...I...I do not know what I will do.

Player: "I'm sure Yustiel will protect her."

Arieluma, Daeva. Is there something I can help you find?

I've got more boxes of supplies in the back that haven't been unpacked yet.

Player: "I need medication for a young Shulack."

Oh. I'm so sorry. I don't have anything properly balanced for the Shulack metabolism right now.

I've been negotiating with Meininerk for additional medicinal supplies, but he's got to be the most stubborn, scruffy-haired Shugo on the planet!

If it's urgent, you go talk to him. You tell him that if he wants to keep doing business with this legion, he'll get his roach-bitten hide off his stool and help you!

Player: "Thanks. I'll tell him."

Yes, yes. Meininerk has very rare, very special medicines. Purchased while traveling outer reaches of dangerous, exotic Asmodae, Elysea and Abyss!

Cinisca speak most unkind words about Meininerk. I am Shugo, I bargain best price for my special wares. Who is she to call Meininerk scruffy? Is not Shugo's fault that Human can not negotiate way out of supply sack. Nyerk, nyerk!

Medicines deserve best price. Only primo good stuff. You want? Meininerk offer best deal, only today, for extra handsome Daeva....

Player: "Shards! Not at that price!"

Daeva! Don't do this to poor Meininerk! Nyerk! You use my negotiations with the Legionaries against me? How inglorious! Nyerk, nyerk.

How will I explain big profit loss to wife? My little ones? Daeva will be taking food out of little ones paws! But noble Shugo will give Daeva little medicinal pill.

Special good stuff. Works for most sicks. Side-effects? Yes, but all medicines have risk. Risk not fault of store keeper!

Player: "Gosh, thanks."

Look Setzkiki! Dry your eyes and look. The Daeva is back!

Did you go to Soteria Sanctuary? Did they have medicine for Setzkiki?

Player: "Here. Have her take this."

Do you think it will work? Will it make her better?

Oh, it must! She must get better! I need her!

How can I return this favor? Please take this for your troubles.

Basic Reward
icon 1 711 243 XP
icon x 20 970
Additional info
Quest giverSeikin
Recommended level53
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
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Munching Mookie Pickles

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28-12-2015 02:04

You can get this quest from the NPC Seikin.