ID: 1361
Finding Drinking Water
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Lv.: 28
Elyos Only

Use the empty bucket to draw water from the Mystic Spring of Anathe. Pour the water from the bucket into the Water Tank in the center of the Refugee Camp. Talk to Turiel. The refugees are dying of thirst. Collect water for them.
Refugees from Dartas Village were resting by the Mystic Spring of Anathe when Lepharist Revolutionaries suddenly appeared, forcing them to run away.

You agreed to help them, so drew water from the spring and delivered it to them.

Full quest's text:
Look at us, Daeva. Look at us, and look at you.

That we came from the same seed seems...unimaginable to me. beautiful, and us almost ready to knock at death's door.

Player: "You're safe now, are you not?"

Safe...the word has little meaning to me now.

We saw our village turn to desert. As we fled, some slipped away, caught by the heat and blistering sun. We walked for days, then found a spring. As we knelt to drink at its banks, Lepharists attacked. What you see here is all that survived.

So, are we safe? No, death has simply donned another mask and come again. We're dying, Player. This time, thirst will be the end of us.

Player: "Well, let me help you then."

A white winged servant of Ariel herself...would help us?

We have a bucket. It's old and brittle, but still holds water well enough. Perhaps you could travel to the Mystic Spring of Anathe and fill it...for us?

Player: Accept.

Oh my. I would...I would cry if I had the tears to spare.

Please, go to the Mystic Spring of Anathe and fill the bucket with spring water. When you come back, just transfer the water into the Water Tank.

Thank you, Player. Thank you....

Player: "You're welcome. I'll be as fast as I can."

Oh, Player....

Young Teos came to me a moment ago...begging for water. My heart would bleed forever if he were to slip away before me.

Have you done as we asked? Did you fill the water tank?

Player: "Yes, you can all drink now."

You have saved us all, Player! You are a guiding light, a beacon of Humanity in this terrible, terrible world!

Thanks would not be enough, but I can offer little more. Please, take this. If there is ever anything that we could do for you, then you need only ask.

Thank you, Player. Thank you so much.

Basic Reward
icon 233 824 XP
icon x 6 350
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverTuriel
Recommended level29
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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