ID: 1548
Klaw Control
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Lv.: 37
Elyos Only

Destroy Klawspawns (5). Report the result to Senea. You must prevent Klaws from breeding. Search the Poya Jungle and destroy Klaw eggs.
Senea was shocked to see that Klaws have amazing regenerative powers. She asked you to break the Klawspawns in the jungle, before the Klaws grow too numerous to stop.

When you got back, she had received a reply from Brigade General Perento.

Full quest's text:
Wait, look at this!

These Klaw hearts...they're growing!

Can you see? The severed blood vessels are healing. The torn tissues are knitting back together!

Player: That can't be good.

I've studied just about every kind of creature, but I've never seen anything like this. Their power of regeneration is incredible!

If we don't do something soon the whole jungle will be filled with Klaws. No, the whole world!

There's not a moment to lose! Go to out there right away and start destroying Klawspawns. As many as you can. We've got to slow them down! I'll send an emergency request for reinforcements to Brigade General Perento.

Player: Accept.

Try to crush 5 Klawspawns and then come back to me to check in. I'll have a reply from the fortress by then I hope. Once we know what help we can expect from the Fortress we can talk about the next step.

Now get moving before more of these horrible things hatch!

Player: "On my way!"

Did you destroy the Klawspawns?

I was just about to read the reply from Brigade General Perento.

Player: "I did."

I'm glad you were here to help, Player.

Hang on while I see what the Brigade General's reply says.

Basic Reward
icon 1 496 758 XP
- Gold Coin
Additional info
Quest giverSenea
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Contemplating Klaw Hearts

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