ID: 1728
[Group] Assassin Mokkurkalfi
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Lv.: 27
Elyos Only

Assassinate Mokkurkalfi, the Asmodian spy. (1). Report back to Sakmis. Recently Guardians in Reshanta were ambushed by an unknown Asmodian. Septimus identified Mokkurkalfi. Kill him and report in to Brigade General Sakmis.
Septimus told you that recent attacks on Guardians in Reshanta are the work of a professional assassin. He scouted Asmodian teleporters and found out that the assassin was an Asmodian named Mokkurkalfi.

You killed Mokkurkalfi on Solitary Island. Brigade General Sakmis was pleased to learn of your success.

Full quest's text:
Heard the rumors? Guardians around Reshanta have been ambushed by Asmodians.

Seeing how it's even happened to some secret scouting parties, Brigade General Sakmis thinks there must be a spy, so I have a special mission.

Player: "What are your orders?"

It's just between the Brigade General and me, but...okay, I trust you, Player. Come a little closer.

I've been watching the Asmodian teleporters. The spy must be using them, so I was looking for anyone...unusual.

Finally I found him! What's his name...? Mokur, Mokufi? Mokkurkalfi! He's got to be the one.

Player: "What did he do?"

Well, he's been teleporting all over the Ridge of Latesran lately.

He doesn't wear any insignia of rank, but his weapons and armor are definitely special. He resembles the description given by survivors, and the Asmodian teleporters are scared to death of him.

My guess is he's watching our movements and laying his traps. The problem is, I don't know anyone who'll face off against someone like that. What about you, Player?

Player: Accept.

I knew you would! I last saw him at the Solitary Island in front of Primum Landing.

When it's done, report to Brigade General Sakmis. I'll tell him I assigned this to you.

Oh, and one more thing. Mokkurkalfi attacks Guardians in groups of three or four. Bring some friends.

Player: "He'll get what he deserves."

Ah, yes. Septimus told me he'd assigned you to this Mokkurkalfi situation.

I assume you've killed him?

Player: "We took care of it."

He must have been an extraordinary soldier. A shame he was Asmodian.

You've done well, Player. You're a formidable Daeva yourself.

Basic Reward
icon 220 500 XP
icon x 500
Optional Reward
- Sakmis' Leggings
- Sakmis' Breeches
- Sakmis' Chausses
- Sakmis' Greaves
Additional info
Quest giverSeptimus
Recommended level28
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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