ID: 2365
Putting out Fires
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 33

Kill the Wrathful Petrahulks to stop the trees being destroyed.(15) Talk to Magni. Get rid of the Petrahulks of Wrath that are destroying the trees.
Magni told you that the trees were in danger.

You killed the Petrahulks of Wrath, as he requested.

Full quest's text:
Before everything changed...the Elim and the trees were so different. They would call...for help, and we...would respond.

Now though...we are both the same. I can only watch as their numbers are decimated. I feel their roots...binding around mine, desperate for help, and I...can do nothing.

There are too many threats...Daeva, and too little protection.

Player: "Too many threats?"

Yes. The most dangerous...are the Petrahulks. They carry the heat of fire with them, and...burn all that they pass.

They must be stopped, Daeva. They...must be killed.

I will soon...pass on. But the trees...must be kept safe. them....

Player: Accept.

You can find a Wrathful Petrahulk ...near the The Crash Site. Once you find one, you'll find them all.

Stop them now. Kill

Player: "I will."

So many pressures. This is...unlike anything that has passed before. I just hope...when the pressures finally ease...there will be some of us left.

Did you...kill the Petrahulks, Daeva?

Player: "Yes. They're dead."

Then the trees...on the Red Lava Cliffs should now At least from the Petrahulks.

You have worries, Daeva. Thank you....

Basic Reward
icon 633 457 XP
Additional info
Quest giverMagni
Recommended level34
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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