ID: 2504
Only for Her
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 30
Asmodian Only

Bring Ai Crestlich Breast Meat, Cheese and Kirka Wine. PlayerAi wants to cook a dish for his girlfriend Amma. Help bring him the ingredients
Ai wanted to prepare a dinner for his girlfriend Amma. You helped him get the ingredients.

When you said that you would help him, he asked you to buy Amma's favorite cheese and wine in Pandaemonium, as well.

You hunted Meek Crestlichs to obtain their breast meat, then bought cheese and wine from a cooking merchant in Pandaemonium. You brought them to Ai.

Full quest's text:
You know that old saying "the surest path to hatred is love?" My mother used to say that to me all the time.

We had a fairly dysfunctional family.

Well, I finally, truly understand what that saying means. I love Amma. I love her sharp claws, her soft mane, but she gets under my skin like nobody else can.

Player: "Is she really worth it?"

If you'd ever seen her, you'd know. She's so beautiful...well, but that just means all the other men in Beluslan are always flirting with her.

When I tell her I can't stand to see her talk to other men, she slaps me and calls me jealous. Maybe I don't deserve her.

I told her I'd cook her dinner because she said she loves men who can cook, but I'm terrible at cooking! I don't even have the ingredients!

Player: Accept.

You'd really help me? You must be a Daeva of Love!

I thought I'd cook something simple for her--roast Crestlich Breast Meat with Cheese and Kirka Wine.

You can find the Crestliches around the fortress, but you'll need to go to Daraia in Pandaemonium to get the cheese and wine. I'll pay you back, I promise!

Player: "I'll return shortly."

You're back from Pandaemonium? Did you bring the cheese? And the wine?

Player: "It's all here."

This Crestlich meat's gone bad! You'll have to get some more!

Player: "Blast!"

Oh, thank you, Daeva, you're wonderful! Now, I'd better get to work cooking these...I've only got an hour before Amma drops by for dinner.

Basic Reward
icon 291 412 XP
icon x 26 330
- Life Serum
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverAi
Recommended level30
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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