ID: 2549
A Gift For Amma
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 34
Asmodian Only

Talk with Huarinrinerk. Ai might be interested in the marble... You found a Malek marble that might be valuable. Have Huarinrinerk appraise it.
While hunting in the Malek Pass, you found a valuable-looking marble. But when you had Huarinrinerk appraise it, he told you it was mostly worthless, so you gave it to Ai to give to Amma.

Full quest's text:
(This little Malek marble has a small, fine engraving of a Drakie on it. It might be worth a lot!)

(You'd better take it to Huarinrinerk for appraisal.)

Player: "I'll just put it in my cube."

Daeva comes back often! Welcome! Always open for business!

Player: "What do you make of this marble?"

Unique, certainly unique, but not valuable. Cheap Malek, low-grade Malek.

You keep. Maybe good for gift, but I can't sell.

Player: "Ai might have a use for this..."

I had another spat with Amma. She said I don't buy enough nice things for her.

I told her I bought her some clothes only yesterday, and she said "yes, but they weren't nice clothes."

Player: "Maybe she'd like this marble?"

Oh, where did you get this? Look at that cute little Drakie on it!

She loves cute things! I'm sure she'll love this!

I can't just let you give this to me for free--here, take this. Buy something for your own someone special.

Basic Reward
icon 633 457 XP
icon x 35 690
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverHuarinrinerk
Recommended level34
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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