ID: 30265
A Polearm Walks into a Bar
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Abyssal Splinter
Lv.: 50
Elyos Only

Go to Sanctum and talk with Fuchsia. Go to Poeta and talk with Asteros. Talk with Pernos. You found a polearm at the Abyssal Splinter. It seems there are many stories behind it. Take it to Fuchsia and ask her if she knows to whom it belongs.
You found a polearm at the Abyssal Splinter. It seems there are many stories behind it. You took it to Fuchsia and asked if she knew its story.

Based on the handle's engraving, she pointed you in the direction of Asteros, a priest in the Akarios Village. Asteros said he didn't know anything about it, but told you to find Pernos.

When you took it to Pernos, he said the name "Akarios" on the handle was his original name. He thanked you for bringing the polearm back to him.

Full quest's text:
(You found an old antiquated polearm with "Akari--" engraved on its handle.)

(No matter how closely you inspect it, you can't make out the last 2 letters.)

(You'd better take it to Fuchsia, the living, breathing encyclopedia.)

Player: "What in Aion does this say?"

What question did you bring me, Player?

I don't know everything, but I know more than most. Now, tell me what you want to know....

Player: "Tell me about this polearm."

Hmm...this design of polearm hasn't been used in quite some time...maybe since the Cataclysm.

What does this say here? Akari...Akarian.... I can't make out what that name is.

Ah, Akarios! I think it says Akarios. There's a village...Akarios Village. There must be a connection. Find Asteros, he's the priest there. He'll know more.

Player: "This has become quite the mystery."

Arieluma! It's...Player, right?

I haven't seen you since you were but a soldier-for-hire. Now you're a full-fledged Daeva.

What brought you all the way to Poeta? You could have sent a messenger if you wanted to pass greetings my way.

Player: "Fuchsia said you might know about..."

A polearm, eh? Yes, I see the name "Akarios" engraved here.... And it does look quite old.

But I'm afraid I'm not a Daeva like you, Player. I'm just a Human, so I don't know much of what happened during the Cataclysm.

Perhaps Pernos would know more. Are you familiar with Pernos?

Player: "Vaguely...met him once or twice."

Pernos has been in Poeta much longer than I have.

If anyone would know about your polearm, it would be Pernos.

Safe travels, Player. And may the protection of Ariel always be with you.

Player: "Thank you, my friend."

Greetings, Player. It's been a full season or two since our paths have crossed.

I didn't think I would ever see you again. What can this old Daeva do for you?

Player: "What can you tell me about this?"

What?! Where...where did you find this, Player? I haven't seen this goodness, since the Cataclysm! This was my polearm, when I was about your age.

I was a soldier back then, much like you. Our enemies knew me as Akarios, and they feared me greatly. But when I retired and left my quarreling days in the past, I also retired my name.

I moved here to sleepy Poeta, and I defended these villagers from any harm. They named the village Akarios to thank me...haven't left since. But I never thought I'd see this again! Thank you, my friend.

Basic Reward
icon 5 980 975 XP
icon x 89 100
- Akarios' Friend
Additional info
Recommended level51
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric

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