ID: 1075
New Wings
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Reshanta
Lv.: 32
Elyos Only

Talk with Tellus. Find the Tigraki Island and see Agemonerk. Find Raithor who has gone missing. Talk with Raithor. Destroy Ranx Archer and talk to Raithor. Talk with Agemonerk. Order: See Tellus in Teminon Landing for important information.
Tellus told you Shugos of the Tigraki Workshop make special wings, and directed you to one named Agemonerk. You reached Tigraki Island, where Agemonerk confirmed Tellus's story.

Agemonerk asked you to find Raithor, who had gone missing during a test flight. When you located Raithor, she said the wings were fast but unstable.

You went back to Agemonerk and told him what Raithor said. He knows what to fix now.

Full quest's text:
I've been hearing your name a lot these days, Player.

You are generally regarded as a Daeva with considerable talent.

Player: "I'm still learning."

As are we all. So tell me, have you ever heard of the Tigraki Workshop?

It's a Shugo studio known for making Balic weapons and armor.

But apparently those aren't the only things they make. I've heard that they also make special wings.

Player: "Special in what way?"

Wings that are quite superior to ordinary wings, or so the story goes.

There are Shugos from the Tigraki Workshop doing business in Sanctum, but I've not found out where their base is. Somewhere in Reshanta, but the location isn't marked on any map.

Word is that a Shugo named Agemonerk makes those special wings. See if you can find him.

Player: "I will, thank you!"

How did Daeva find Agemonerk? Ah, Daeva heard about the special wings....

Many, many rumors of our work in Reshanta.

And not rumors, in fact, but fact! Akakak! Tigraki Workshop make special, special wings!

Player: "Tell me about them."

Our wings fly fast, fast, but just a small problem...with stability.

So Daevas who went on test flights were...slightly injured.

But wings got better! And Daevas are immortal, yes?

Player: "That's a relief...."

Except for the one we lost, yes. Daeva named Raithor took a test flight and never came back, nyerk.

Maybe brave Daeva could find her?

Agemonerk can give you test wings to help find her faster.

Player: "I'd be happy to try...."

You're here to rescue me, right?

I crash-landed here on a test flight.

Player: "What happened?"

These wings are amazing!

They're incredibly fast, but the stability leaves a lot to be desired. I was flying near the Eye of Reshanta Entrance when I lost control and augered in.

I'm a little banged up, but otherwise oka...LOOK OUT!

Player: "What?"

Thank you, you saved me....

You're not going to be able to carry me and fly, but I know where to hide from the patrols. I'll find my way back once I've healed up. You go on ahead.

Oh, and tell Agemonerk what I said about the wings.

Player: "Ariel protect you, my friend."

Raithor is very, very clever. She says she will come back, and I believe her! So...the wings are fast--very fast if she was able to reach the Eye of Reshanta Entrance in such a short time!

And the stability I know how to fix just right, akakak!

Basic Reward
icon 2 929 235 XP
icon x 27 550
icon x 2 000
- Major Wind Serum
- Strange Red Sack
- Silver Medal
Additional info
Quest giverAgemonerk
Recommended level37
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Abyss Training

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