ID: 2001
Thinking Ahead
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Ishalgen
Lv.: 1
Asmodian Only

Talk with Boromer. Gather the Sprigg Grain Sack and take them to Boromer. PlayerHead north-east of Lake Tunapre and hunt Sprigg Gatherers. (6) Talk with Boromer. Order: Help Boromer secure food supplies.
Boromer is concerned with the dwindling food supplies.

You took the grain sacks from the Spriggs and then taught them a lesson so they won't attack other raiders.

Full quest's text:
Got a job for you, kid, if you're ready to raid with the big boys.

You know what drives me crazy? Spriggs! The way they wander around in a stupor, it's hard for us to get any work done.

And that's where you come in.

Player: "What should I do?"

Raid those supplies, that's what you'll do. Spriggs may be stupid, but they're relentless about stockpiling food.

Check the dens around Lake Tunapre for their grain sacks.

Player: "Won't the Spriggs starve?"

Don't you worry about the Spriggs. A hungry Sprigg gathers food even faster. Call it "motivation," if you like.

Spriggs are cowards, so they won't confront a [%userclass] like you. Feel free to use them for target practice.

Don't get too bloodthirsty, though. Remember why you're there: sacks of Sprigg Grain. Bring me three sacks.

Player: "As you wish."

All right, Player. Killed some Spriggs, did you? And more to the point, got the grain sacks?

Hand 'em over. Those sacks need to be on the next caravan north to more settled lands.

Player: "Three sacks, just as you asked."

Trying to pick a fight, Player?

You could have just asked.

Get those grain sacks before I lose my temper!

Player: "On my way."

Well done.

I watched you out there. You seem to be able to take a little punishment--always a good trait for a raider.

Too many city recruits can dish it out, but they can't take it.

Even the Spriggs are starting to realize some of our guys aren't as tough as our veterans and Ulgorn himself. They're getting aggressive, and there are so many of them that we'll be in trouble if we don't do something soon.

We need the Spriggs to fear us once more. Ready for more raiding?

Player: "As you wish."

As I wish?

That's city talk. From a raider, I expect to hear "The task is mine!" or at least an "On my way!" followed by the sound of your footsteps.

Let me say it like Ulgorn would, and you can try again.

Go back to the Sprigg dens around the Lake Tunapre and kill six Sprigg Gatherers in cold blood. Sow fear and destruction in your wake. Blood for blood!

Player: "On my way!"

Killed all the Sprigg Gatherers I asked for?

Have you taught them to fear, Player?

Player: "Of course."

Good. After your "demonstration," the other Spriggs should realize that an Asmodian raider is something to be feared.

Here's your reward, raider. Take it.

Basic Reward
icon 2 475 XP
Optional Reward
- Boromer's Shoes
- Boromer's Boots
- Boromer's Brogans
Additional info
Recommended level3
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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