ID: 2352
Courage for Hunters
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 24
Asmodian Only

Hunt Ruby Keraton (10). Talk with Lorando. Lorando advised you to foster courage in order to keep your composure in any situation. Build courage by hunting Ruby Keraton.
Lorando said that the best way to keep your composure while hunting or fighting is by building courage. He suggested that the best way to foster courage is by hunting Ruby Keraton.

As he suggested, you went to the Mt. Musphel Entrance and hunted Ruby Keraton to foster courage.

Full quest's text:
What do you think is the most important attribute in a hunter? Actually, this question isn't just for hunters. It's a question for all who have to fight.

The answer, of course, is courage. The presence of mind and to react properly in any situation. If you have courage, you can survive with just your bare hands.

Player: "Courage is certainly important."

What helped me build courage were Ruby Keraton.

Even before I ascended, I hunted them. Sometimes they'd turn on me at the last moment of the hunt, and fear would rise up so strongly that it threatened to paralyze me.

The very size of those beasts! But each time I overcame that fear, my courage grew. Player, are you ready to hunt Ruby Keraton as I did?

Player: Accept.

You are one of the gifted ones, Player. Improving yourself is critical, and you understand that.

Hunt 10 Ruby Keraton.

You will find your courage growing with each victory.

Player: "The task is mine."

So, do you think you have become more courageous after hunting the Ruby Keraton?

If you are calm, you can think your way through almost any challenge. Daevas as talented as you will go far with the right kind of training, Player.

Tell me how it went.

Player: "I did as you asked...."

Admirable. I hope you have learned something valuable.

It was a pleasure for me to train such a talented Daeva.

This is my gift to you. Keep it.

Basic Reward
icon 155 871 XP
icon x 10 840
- Greater Fireproof Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverLorando
Recommended level26
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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