ID: 11212
Balaur Records
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 54
Elyos Only

Talk with Wivius. Talk with Iaetia. You found a Quartz of Memory of the Balaur. Bring it to Wivius.
In the Forest of Antiquity, you found a Quartz of Memory titled "The Battle of Dramatas" with the information of the Balaur.

You took it to a Dramata chaser Wivius. He said it was not about Dramatas but war tactics that used Dramatas figuratively.

So you took it to Iaetia. She was happy because it was hard for her to get a book about the war tactics of the Balaur.

Full quest's text:
(This is long and semi-transparent.)

(If you look closely, you can see a lot of letters of the Balaur language written very close to each other.)

(It seems to be a Quartz of Memory for the information of the Balaur.)

(A phrase "The Battle of Dramatas" appears on top.)

(Bring it to a Dramata chaser Wivius.)

Player: Finish examining.

I thought I'd get information easily in Balaurea, but it didn't turn out like that.

I have very little information.

If I find and kill a Dramata, I will leave my name in the history of the Sanctum!

If you find something, please don't tell anybody and just let me know.

Player: Hand over the Quartz of Memory of the Balaur.

Wait, this is?

A book Drakans use. It doesn't look like a book but it is.

What? The title is "The Battle of Dramatas"? Is it about Dramatas, by any chance? How did you get this kind of stuff?

(He examines the content for a while.)

What the heck! This is not about the battle skills of Dramatas. It is a book about war tactics. It teaches you how to defend well like Dramatas protecting their eggs.

Balaur jerks. They confused me with a figurative title...

I am so disappointed. Take this to Iaetia. She is crazy about war tactics.

Player: End dialog.

War tactics are scientific.

Commanders are responsible for their men's lives, the destiny of the city, and the future of the world.

So it is not surprising that they count on reliable war tactics.

If you want to be a great commander, come to me. I will teach you the basic war tactics a commander needs to know.

Player: Hand over the Quartz of Memory of the Balaur.

This is a Quartz of Memory of the Balaur.

Drakans' book of war tactics?

I know a lot of war tactics but I haven't had a chance to learn those of the Balaur. So thank you for bringing this.

I need to see that with my own eyes. I will find out what kind of wisdom Drakans accumulated while fighting so many years!

Basic Reward
icon 6 517 414 XP
icon x 103 050
- Sky Dragon King's Roast Meat
Additional info
Quest giverYereos
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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