ID: 15000
Not Any Fool's Tool
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Cygnea
Level: 55
Elyos Only

Recover the Lost Backpack and take it to Millard. PlayerTalk with Millard. Use the Artificial Aether Generator Repair Tool near the Artificial Aether Generator in the sky above Aequis Headquarters. Talk with Millard. Help Artificial Aether Generator Supervisor Millard solve her problem.
Supervisor Millard said she lost her backpack that contains the tool for repairing Aether generators.

You recovered the backpack from the Tattered Seasprite Pucas, but she thought it might be broken.

You used the tool on the generator for her, proving it wasn't broken. She was delighted and thanked you for your help, saying she'd be able to keep her job now! You're not sure this is a good thing.

Full quest's text:
The installation of Artificial Aether Generators is crucial for adapting to Balaurea. The Aether here is a lot thinner than we're used to in Atreia.

We installed a generator here that's working marvelously, but there might be a little problem. While bringing the generator over here, I was ambushed by Pucas and lost a backpack that contains one of my tools. I need that specific tool to repair the generator if anything goes wrong.

Unfortunately, I think something is going wrong. The Aether output has dropped, and if it stops alltogether, I won't be able to fix it and I'll be in a lot of trouble... so, it's actually sort of a huge problem. If you don't mind, could you recover the Lost Backpack from Tattered Seasprite Pucas in Saphic Bog for me?

Player: Accept

I can't fix the Artificial Aether Generator without the repair tool.

Shards, what will I do if the generator breaks down for good?

Player: "You don't have to worry about that."

Are you serious? You brought my backpack? Thank you so much!

Let me check if the tool is okay.

Player: "No problem."

It's here! The Artificial Aether Generator repair tool! And it doesn't look damaged at all.

This small tool is a state-of-the-art, super lightweight repair tool that has gone through many upgrades to ensure that even a fool can use it without difficulty.

Do you want me to give you a demonstration?

Player: "Didn't you just say a fool could use it?"

Huh? Oh, I wasn't trying to imply anything.... Why isn't this working? Isn't that the right direction?

I can't fix it... I don't understand.

Player... Could you...?

Player: "Let me give it a try."

What? You're amazing!

The tool is very delicate and quite complicated to use, yet you took to it like an expert!

Thank you so much. I just might be able to hang on to this supervisor job!

Basic Reward
icon 8 828 737 XP
icon x 96 300
- Ceramium Coin
- Ancient Coin
Additional info
Quest giverMillard
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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14-05-2016 13:32

Aether Generator is over the New Start Legion Headquarters:

Fly there and use Repair Tools: