ID: 2353
[Group] Legendary Amethysts
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Level: 26
Asmodian Only

Collect the Amethysts in the Crystal Ore and take them to Kellan. PlayerCollect the Amethysts in Taran's Cavern and take them to Kellan.
Kellan suggested you collect Amethysts in Taran's Cavern.

You collected the Amethysts and delivered them to him.

Full quest's text:
Player, have you ever been to Taran's Cavern?

It is a place of unrelenting heat and fire! With seething lava that melts everything it touches! The boiling, scorching, molten heart of the very world itself! Laid bare before

Well anyway, the cave. I've heard that the cave isn't filled with just lava and Klaws... but something...shiny.

Player: "I almost hate to ask..."

But you must ask! Because you are hungry for knowledge of the vast world which stretches far before you. Calling to have its secrets revealed in a...

Ah yes, Amethysts! Valuable, of course, but also rumored to be stones of bad luck.

The only reason those Amethysts are still untouched is that no one wants a curse following them around. But you don't believe in that sort of thing, do you, Player?

Player: "Not if there's treasure to be had."

That's what I thought. You see I'm getting old and I'm not in any shape to chase after those stones. I cough a lot and I'm more tired than I should be. I should improve my diet to regain my health but I can't afford good food....

But if you could recover those Amethysts and sell them to the Black Cloud Traders, we could split the profit and I could buy some decent food!

Player: Accept.

An equitable arrangement!

Go to Taran's Cavern in the Musphel Volcanic Region and fetch those Amethysts. I've heard they're hidden deep inside the cave.

Player: "Don't worry. I'll find them."

Ah, you've come back.

You are very brave!

Did you find the Amethysts?

Player: "See for yourself."

You think you can pull one over on me? Go right now to Taran's Cavern and get those Amethysts.

Aren't you supposed to keep your promises? Wait! I see what you're doing! You're taking your time, hoping I'll die before you get back so you can have all the Amethysts for yourself!

Oh, it's my fault for trusting you. I'm doomed for certain!

Player: "Um...I'll be right back. Really."

So...these are the famous Amethysts. They're really something, aren't they?

I knew you would come through. All my worries were just folly. Like that time I tried to drill a hole in my head....

But never mind about that! I received prepayment from the Shugos, so I can give you your share. Take it.

Basic Reward
icon 180 114 XP
icon x 23 880
- Recovery Serum
Additional info
Quest giverKellan
Recommended level27
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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