ID: 24081
Secrets Within the Heart
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Tiamaranta
Level: 58
Asmodian Only

Talk with Protector Oriata who has appeared at Garnon's Secret Chamber in Tiamaranta Conquest Fortress. Use the Ide Monitoring Device at Magic Ward to summon a Heart Detector and confirm that the Source of Power is being maintained. Acquire the Fragment of Gravity after generating Gap of Time and Space by defeating Fragmented Gapemaw at the Edge of Gravity Well. Vanquish Heart of Fissure Guardian near the Source of Fissure and confirm that the Source of Power is being maintained. [%11] Scout Petrified Core and confirm that the Source of Power is being maintained. Talk with Garnon's Secret Chamber at the Protector Oriata. Orders: Talk with Protector Oriatia who has appeared at Tiamaranta Conquest Fortress.
Protector Oriatia, who has appeared at Tiamaranta Conquest Fortress, instructed you to examine the sources in Tiamaranta as the first step to discovering the truth.

You visited every source and confirmed that the Source of Power is being maintained. When you returned to Oriatia, she explained to you that the Source of Power is maintained even after the death of Tiamat due to the workings of the power of Ide.

Full quest's text:
So, did you see the Balaur at the Siel Temple Ruins?

You Asmodians probably think that the Balaur are after the power of Empyrean Lord Siel. But that's not the truth.

You have to see and realize for yourself what the truth really is.

What is your thought on the current situation in Tiamaranta?

Player: Reply that the influence of the Balaur hasn't diminished.

Yes. Tiamat is no more, but the Balaur influence remains strong in Tiamaranta.

The Balaur influence remains because their Source of Power is still maintained.

Even though Tiamat is dead, sources of Tiamat's influence remain.

Do you know why the Source of Power is still maintained?

Since the Dragon Lord is gone, the power should also have disappeared by now.

Player: "I don't know."

Of course you don't.

Contrary to your belief, this power isn't maintained simply because the Dragon Lord's power was too great.

If you investigate the remaining sources, you will discover the hidden truth that you have to know.

Go around Tiamaranta and visit the Source of Anger, Source of Gravity, Source of Fissure, and Source of Petrifaction to check the power maintaining each source.

Start by using the Ide Monitoring Device that I'll give you at Magic Ward to summon a Heart Detector.

We'll talk about the rest after you've finished examining every source.

Player: End dialog.

Have you been to the Gravity Well?

Then give me the item you found there.

Player: Hand over the Fragment of Heavy Gravity.

You brought me a Fragment of Gravity.

As you must be aware since you've experienced it yourself, this is proof that the sources of Tiamat's powers are still being maintained.

Even though Tiamat is dead, the sources of Tiamat's powers are still being maintained.

You don't understand what this implies just yet.

But you will soon, so go now and examine the Source of Fissure.

Player: Leave to examine the Source of Fissure.

So you have examined all the sources in Tiamaranta I've told you about.

As you have seen and felt, the Source of Power remains active and continues to circulate. That is why the Balaur remain hopeful and continue to resist.

A power that is maintained as the Source of Power until now without Tiamat... You should probably know what it is already.

You know what the Balaur brought to this land.

Player: "Is it because of the power of Ide?"

Yes, the power of Ide. The very power you wanted to know about.

The power that maintains the sources of Tiamat is Ide.

Ide is also in the power that makes up the fabric of present reality and acts on it.

That's what Ide is.

Among all powers that exist, Ide is the most powerful of all.

There are so many things I still have to tell you, but it seems you need some more time to prepare. I will summon you again when the time is right.

Basic Reward
icon 31 751 071 XP
- Tiamaranta's Accessory Chest
- Superb Kahrun's Box
- Kahrun's Symbol
Optional Reward
- Tiamaranta's Gloves
- Tiamaranta's Vambrace
- Tiamaranta's Handguards
- Tiamaranta's Gauntlets
- Tiamaranta's Magic Vambrace
- Tiamaranta's Magic Handguards
Additional info
Recommended level60
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassTechnist, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
The Protector's Test
Conspiracy in Tiamaranta

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