ID: 2511
Ambitions for Success
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 34
Asmodian Only

Collect Four Types of Scales and take them to Morwena. PlayerMorwena wants you to get rid of a Grayback Karnif, an Iceback Kirrin, a Blueback Karnif, and a Purpleback Kirrin, and collect their scales.
Morwena complained that she wasn't getting the same attention that you were.

She knows that she could be thought of as highly as you, if only someone would pay attention to her amazing abilities. She had a plan to get rid of the Kirrins and Karnifs in the nearby areas, but was too busy to be able to do it herself.

She asked you to cull the beasts for her. When you reported back to her, she mentioned that she had actually hoped the beasts would devour you, but was grateful to have her scales anyway.

Full quest's text:
You know, they don't make a big enough deal about me here. Clearly, no one has heard about my amazing triumphs.

I've fought the Balaur and those cowardly Ellies. The battles always turn in our favor as soon as I join up, but does anyone here listen when I tell them about my accomplishments? No.

It seems that some people get all the glory....

Player: "What are you saying?"

Oh, nothing. Just that some people don't even have to actually DO anything to have other running around at their feet asking favors and the like.

Some are appreciated for doing practically nothing when others work hard and do their best to make sure that everyone knows, but nobody listens.

I can't even get taken seriously here! All YOU have to do is traipse in, and people fall down at your feet.

Player: "I can't help that I'm so amazing."

I'm going to prove myself. Just you wait and see. Pretty soon people will be following ME around, begging for ME to help them, and YOU'LL be forgotten in the dust of yesterday.

Just as soon as I get a break, I'm going to hunt down the Kirrins and Karnifs in the area. It will make me a hero--they've been causing such a problem around here. I just have to wait until I'm not on duty.

Even though it seems like I'm always on duty. Come to think of it, I might not get to it for a few days...or...weeks...hmm. Er, I don't suppose you'd handle this for me? And let me have the credit?

Player: Accept.

Good. And just so you know, I could TEAR through these creatures. Absolutely tear through them. I just don't have the time.

Anyway, you'll need to destroy a Grayback Karnif in the Black Plains, an Iceback Kirrin in the Mosbear Snowfield, a Blueback Karnif in the Besfer Ghost Village, and a Purpleback Kirrin in Mahisha's Nest.

Bring back a scale from each.

Player: "Sure. I'll bring them."

Oh, it's you.

So, uh...did you do the thing?

Player: "The thing is done."

Why torment me with your presence when you haven't even done what you said you'd do?

Stop following me until you've got something useful to say.

Player: "Why am I helping you again?"

Oh...good! Thanks. I'd actually hoped they'd eat you, but this is the next best thing.

Um, you can go now. We're know...friends.

Basic Reward
icon 806 224 XP
icon x 57 000
- Snowfield Predator
- Silver Coin
Additional info
Quest giverMorwena
Recommended level35
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Snowfield Beasts

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