ID: 2538
Curse of the Were-Ribbit
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Level: 36
Asmodian Only

Talk to Verdandi. Get fur from Vanargand. Return to Verdandi. Return to Hild. Hild regrets being mean to Verdandi. Go to Ishalgen and ask Verdandi to turn Hild back into a Human again.
Hild said she became a Ribbit after being mean to an old lady. She said she regretted it and wanted to be Human again. You thought Verdandi in Ishalgen was probably the one who made Hild a Ribbit, and you promised to ask the old lady for an antidote.

Verdandi admitted making Hild into a Ribbit. But she didn't have the ingredients for the potion Hild would need. You got Vanargand's fur for Verdandi, she made a potion, and told you the potion would be useless unless Hild had changed her ways.

After drinking the potion, Hild became Human, but was still arrogant and was disrespectful to Verdandi. Hild immediately turned into a Ribbit again, and yelled at you to go away.

Full quest's text:
Wuh...wasn't a Ribbit...was a girl...from Vanahal.

Wuh...woman...old my path.

Luh...looked down on her...called her lowly...called her garbage.

Player: "Oh, you shouldn't have said that."

Nuh...know...I know.... I'm sorry.... It was wrong.... I was wrong.

Shuh...she muttered, "show you lowly"...and I...I woke up like this....

Buh...but that was years ago. She's gone...and I'll never find her.

Player: "I know where Verdandi lives."

Vuh...Verdandi? Is that the old woman?

Huh...Hild is sorry.... Hild is very sorry.

Cuh...could you tell her? Puh...please? Please help me!

Player: Accept.

Thuh...thank you so much. Find Verdandi and...apologize.

Muh...maybe there's some remedy. Suh...something that will turn me Human...turn me back to Hild.

Pluh...please get Verdandi to help me....

Player: "It's happened before."

Look who's back. What brings you here?

Miss the bandit life? Or are you on the way to your master?

No...there's something else....

Player: "Hild apologizes for calling you garbage."

That spoiled girl? She was more arrogant than Ulgorn's daughter! What are they teaching children in the city these days? No respect! I should teach all of Vanahal a lesson like that.

You say she apologized? Maybe she did learn something living a few years as a Ribbit. If she's truly sorry, I know a potion that would return her. But it doesn't matter. I don't have the proper ingredients. I would need a tuft of fur from an old Granker...specifically Vanargand's in Beluslan.

Do you think she's really sorry?

Player: "I think I'll get that fur."

You? Didn't I tell you I want nothing to do with Human or Daeva affairs?

Why do you bother me? Go away!

Player: "Just a tuft of fur to redeem a young girl."

Why must you involve me in Human things?

But are different than others. You asked instead of slaying me and ripping the fur from my dead corpse.

I will give you this. And then will you leave me alone?

Player: "Agreed!"

Look what the wind blew in. You brought the fur of Vanargand, didn't you?

You must think she's really sorry. You could have just left the spoiled girl a Ribbit, but you just can't stay out of other people's business.

And now you'll expect me to make an antidote for her.

Player: "Won't you please?"

All right. I will make this potion. Not an antidote exactly... Understand what it really is.

Brats like her don't change. If she is as sorry as you say she is and has changed her ways, this potion will turn her into the Human she should have been all along.

But if she isn't--as I suspect--the potion will be useless. And she shall remain a Ribbit as she deserves.

Player: "We shall see."

Buh...back, Player?

Huh...have the antidote? Bring me the antidote?

Then, guh...give it to me now.

Player: "I hope you really are sorry."

Oh, yes! That miserable piece of filth did it! Wait! Oh, no! This is no antidote!

Wuh...what happened? You...and she...did this! You're both...

Guh...get out of my sight!

Basic Reward
icon 1 496 758 XP
icon x 27 220
- Greater Healing Potion
Optional Reward
- Elite Rank 5 Asmodian Leggings
- Elite Rank 5 Asmodian Breeches
- Elite Rank 5 Asmodian Chausses
- Elite Rank 5 Asmodian Greaves
- Elite Rank 5 Asmodian Magic Chausses
Additional info
Quest giverHild
Recommended level38
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
A Ribbit in Need

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