ID: 3111
Clearing the Route
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Theobomos
Level: 45
Elyos Only

Decrease the number of dangers in the Parched Barrens. Striped Basilisk (8) Thorn Leaf Dionae (7) Report your success to Centurion Gaix. You've been asked to secure the Parched Barrens routes by killing Striped Basilisks and Thorn Leaf Dionaes.
Centurion Gaix asked you to secure the routes through the Parched Barrens by killing Basilisks and Dionaes.

You enjoyed hunting Basilisks and Dionaes and received a reward for your troubles.

Full quest's text:
Sun's blessings for getting that communique from Themis through to Diokuroi.

Themis tries to send us the names of people who are traveling to Observatory village, but only about 70% of those on the list seem to arrive.

Some of them probably decide not to come once they see the Parched Barrens, but I fear that others simply vanish into the wastelands.

Player: "Can't you do something?"

Themis believes we can improve the Parched Barrens routes if we hunt Striped Basilisks and Thorn Leaf Dionaes, but we're too short-handed to organize a hunt.

You're obviously very skilled, Player, since you traveled here alone through the Parched Barrens. Would you be willing to help us?

Your assistance would be most appreciated and well rewarded.

Player: Accept.

Thank you. It may take you some time to make a dent in the Striped Basilisk and Thorn Leaf Dionae populations...but Light will prevail!

Player: "Faith and arms!"

You are solid dust, my friend. Here, have a cool drink.

I can certainly see you've been busy.

Player: "You should see the Basilisks and Dionaes!"

Thank you for your virtuous efforts. Here's your reward, as promised.

Basic Reward
icon 6 242 224 XP
icon x 14 200
- Suspicious Yellow Sack
Additional info
Quest giverGaix
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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