ID: 3205
For the Black Cloud Traders
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Steel Rake
Level: 40
Elyos Only

Kill Petrahulk Sentinel on the Steel Rake Cabin (15). Talk with Kurochinerk. Talk with Maximus. Talk with Konachinerk. Eliminate Cyclops Watchmen so that the Black Cloud Traders can defeat the Shulacks on the Steel Rake more easily.
Kurochinerk said he should retrieve the articles the Shulack pirates stole from them by defeating the pirates while the Steel Rake is anchored due to a problem.

He asked you to take care of the Cyclops Watchmen, which had prevented his traders from challenging the pirates.

When you handled the Cyclopses as requested and returned to him, he asked you another favor of delivering his messages to Maximus and Konachinerk.

When you told Maximus that the Shulack Pirate Hairpin order would be delayed, he lamented.

Full quest's text:
What brings you to this fortress, Daeva?

Anyway, it's all good.

I have a problem that has been bothering me, and I should ask you to eliminate the problem, nyerk.

Player: Ask what he wants.

I am not sure whether you heard the news.

The Shulack pirates have appeared. The Steel Beard Pirates!

Fortunately, the ship is out of order and is anchored in between Elysea and Asmodae, so this is the chance. This is the chance where we can wipe them out and retrieve what's been taken away from us.

But I think it might be too difficult for us to battle those cruel bastards alone. If you, Daeva, can help, it may turn the tide in our favor. What do you think? Would you care to support us?

Player: Accept the proposal.

Well then, please defeat Petrahulk Sentinel.

We can deal with Shulacks, but Cyclopses are beyond our capacity.

So, you take care of the Cyclopses. A Daeva as capable as you can defeat them easily, nyerk.

Player: End dialog.

Nyerk, I heard about it from one of our spies in the ship Steel Rake.

That you knocked down with a single blow a Cyclops as big as a house, nyerk.

I am lucky to have you, Daeva.

By the way, can I ask you another favor?

It's not a difficult one. Please give my message to Maximus and Konachinerk.

Tell Maximus that the order will take longer, but I will provide an extra discount for the item. Also, tell Konachinerk that the Cyclopses are now gone and that he can go to get Maximus' order now.

Player: End dialog.

Or, are you here to sell me something?

Gulp. Now I can see the [%mainslotitem] you have. Looks nice.

I will pay a higher price, so why don't you save a trip by selling it to me?

Player: Tell him what Kurochinerk said.

The order will be delayed? Um, I'll be in trouble.

You see, I'm actually selling Shulack Pirate Hairpins supplied by the Black Cloud Traders.

Their unique patterns attract quite a few customers. It takes up over 50% of our sales.

Because we have only a few of them left now, I guess we will be out of stock today or tomorrow... Sigh, but I have no option because I can't get the item elsewhere except from the Black Cloud Traders.

It's a relief that they are sorry for the delay and will offer an extra discount. I am not sure how much the discount will be, though.

Player: End dialog.

Is your name Player?

Nyerk, I was waiting for you.

(Gives you the once-over) Kurochinerk finally sent someone helpful, nyerk.

Basic Reward
icon 1 936 350 XP
icon x 180 030
- Old Red Sack
Additional info
Quest giverNakarinerk
Recommended level41
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Price of Goodwill

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