ID: 41218
[Group] Difficult Subjects
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Sarpan
Level: 999

Bring a group to subdue Jotun in the Debarim Petralith Studio. Jotun Blacksmith (2) Jotun Sculptor (2) Report back to Yaci. Yaci has trouble studying the Jotun since they keep trying to kill him. He needs help subduing them.
Yaci, a Jotun Researcher, was having trouble studying his subjects since they kept trying to kill him.

You went down into the Debarim Petralith Studio and subdued some Jotun there.

When you reported back to Yaci, he implied that you may be doing the Jotun a favor by ending their meaningless existence.

Full quest's text:
Not long ago, it looked like Kamar was losing interest in Jotun research. But since you foreigners have arrived, there's been a new wave of interest in learning from other cultures.

Unfortunately, the Jotun Blacksmiths and Jotun Sculptors in the Debarim Petralith Studio are quite... unwelcoming.

It's hard to study creatures that are trying to kill you. Please, could you bring some of your allies down there and subdue them?

Player: Accept.

To be honest, the more I study the Jotun, the more I pity them.

We Reians are blessed with inquisitive, versatile minds, and clever imaginations.

Jotun lives are lived in endless, hive-minded toil. They've no curiosity, no diversity. It's a dull, meaningless existence.

Player: "Fewer of them exist now, though."

Hopefully that means it will be easier to get down there and study them.

While they're rather boring themselves, their technology could turn out to be priceless.

Thank you for your aid.

Basic Reward
icon 7 105 023 XP
- Reian's Old Bundle
Additional info
Quest giverYaci
Recommended level58
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech

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