ID: 806877
History of Bygone Atreia
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(A book about the history of bygone Atreia.)

(A book about the history of bygone Atreia.)


Researching the History of Bygone Atreia is no easy task.

The main problem is the lack of research material. It is almost impossible to get a picture of the past because most of the ruins and relics were destroyed in the Cataclysm.

But the even greater challenge comes from the fact that ancient humans were oppressed by the Balaur.

As the Balaur were the key players at that time, the ancient social structure can only be reconstructed very basically from a human point of view.

It is certain that humans were the only ones who resisted the Balaur. Unlike the Sapiens, who adapted to the Balaur, humans always lived for themselves and developed their own culture.

When the Balaur raised the flag of revolt on Aion Tower, the gulf between them widened.

The appearance of the twelve Lords and the ascension of the people lent support to the anti-Balaur resistance.

From today's perspective, the appearance of the Lords and the Daevas marks a turning point. These results heralded the end of the Balaur era.

The Balaur Era

We don't know exactly when the Balaur appeared on the scene.

We only know for certain that they had already occupied old Atreia, before a few original Balaur, known as the Drakan, ascended to Dragon Lords.

Unlike the other factions, the Balaur had excellent physical skills and extraordinary willpower. They were able to subdue the Sapiens and ascend to be rulers of Atreia.

The Sapiens revered them as gods. An example of this is the Altar of Tiamat, an ancient ruin in Altgard.

The History of Mankind

It is very difficult to reconstruct the life of humans in Bygone Atreia accurately.

Before the twelve Lords appeared and the people ascended to Daevas, their civilisation was not yet highly developed.

These humans were fishermen and collectors who settled in the lowlands along the coasts and rivers. They confined themselves to their immediate surroundings and didn't know how to harness the power of the Aether.

In addition, they were physically inferior to the Balaur, so they did not appear to pose any serious threat. But the strength of the people lay in their sense of solidarity and their deep faith in Aion.

The Appearance of the Twelve Lords

When the Balaur were at the height of their powers after the ascension of the five Dragon Lords, the twelve Lords appeared.

It is not known exactly when they turned up or where they came from.

Many legends and myths surround the appearance of the twelve Lords. They are all based on the assumption that they were sent by the Aion Tower.

The twelve Lords shared their knowledge with the people and did their utmost to protect Aion from the Balaur.

The Ascension of Humans

It is unknown why some humans ascended to Daevas. It is believed that the power of the twelve Lords helped people with extraordinary skills to ascend.

Crucially, the tide turned with the appearance of the Daevas: humanity became a threat to the Balaur.

The humans who ascended to Daevas were no longer inferior to them. And owing to the training by the twelve Lords, the Daevas became serious opponents of the Drakan.

The Daevas began to fight the Balaur and Sapiens throughout Atreia and to protect the humans.

Thousand Year Resistance, Thousand Year War

The Thousand Year War began with the destruction of Aion by the Dragon Lords, who sought to rule all Atreia.

For protection, Aion created an Aetheric Field that supported the twelve Lords and the Daevas in their fight against the Balaur.

The Balaur were assisted by their loyal subordinates, the Krall and the Mau. The twelve Lords realised that both the skills of individual Daevas and the unity of the group were crucial when fighting the Sapiens and the Balaur.

The Crucible, in which the Lords passed on their knowledge to the Daevas, was henceforth used for warrior combat training, and military formations were established in the form of legions.

As the skills and strategies of the twelve Lords and the Daevas developed, the longer the battle with the Balaur endured. Neither side would give in.

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