ID: 70605
Revealing the Intrigue
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Dumaha
Lv.: 80
Asmodian Only

Talk to Helper Lyle in Stellusia. Find the Chest[pl:"Chests"] of the Balaur Legacy, which was taken away by the Stella employees, and then use the Recording Orb[pl:"Orbs"]. Enter the Channel of Concealment. Go to the Secret NK Institute. Find the NK-VI Substance Supply[pl:"Supplies"] in the Materials Warehouse and then use the Recording Orb[pl:"Orbs"]. Investigate the Experimental Laboratory. Talk to Rescued Inanna. Find the NK-VI Extraction Pipe[pl:"Pipes"] in the Processing Laboratory and then use the Recording Orb[pl:"Orbs"]. Go to the Quarantine Sector. Find the Secret Chamber that is hidden in the Quarantine Sector. Find the Balaur cylinder[pl:"cylinders"] in the Secret Chamber and then use the Recording Orb[pl:"Orbs"]. Enter the Site of the Incident. Discuss the situation with Helper Lyle in Stellusia. Enter the Secret NK Institute and collect evidence.
When Lyle learned about the entrance to the secret Stella facility, he asked you to follow this trail and collect evidence.

You followed Stella employees who were transporting the Dragon Lord Legacy, and you discovered the Secret NK Institute.

You entered the Secret NK Institute and investigated the interior. You used Lyle's Recording Orb to collect video evidence.

You were captured by the chief overseer of the development laboratory, who administered you with a Nakisix prototype.

You were in a great deal of pain and in a tricky situation when Inanna showed up, killed the chief overseer and saved your life.

You warned Inanna about the threat posed by Stella and asked her to accompany you, but she said she couldn't abandon her friend to Stella and she declined.

As you were leaving the development laboratory, you discovered several containers full of Balaur test subjects in a top secret area.

You also overheard a conversation between the Commander of the Stella Corporation and Inanna.

Surprisingly, the Commander of the Stella Corporation was a Shugo named Beninerk. It appeared that he was the friend Inanna had been talking about.

Beninerk mentioned a plan to awaken a Dragon Lord. You told Lyle about it, and he was just as shocked as you.

Full quest's text:
The relics of the Dragon Lord... The Apsu altar...?

I think Stella's after the Dragon Lord Legacy.

The Dragon Lord Legacy holds immense power. That's why it is highly coveted.

Dumaha, Apsu's forgotten territory, contains many well-preserved heirlooms from Apsu.

Time has diminished neither their value nor their power.
An excellent question.

How do they intend to use the power they extract from the Dragon Lord Legacy?

'The remnants of power extracted from the Dragon Lord Legacy will be shipped to the Nakisix Materials Warehouse.' – That should tell us what we need to know.

If the report is true and the raw material used for NK-VI is obtained from the Dragon Lord Legacy...?

We need evidence that confirms it...!
The first research journal contains a report which mentions a location.

The Secret NK Institute.
This piece of information appeared to resolve some questions, so I investigated further and made an important discovery.

I'm sure once Stella gets hold of the Dragon Lord Legacy, they'll ship it to a special place.

If we follow those shipments, I bet they'll lead us straight to the Secret NK Institute or another key secret base.

We must get inside the facility to uncover Stella's secret and find incontrovertible proof.

Take this Recording Orb[pl:"Orbs"]. You can use it to record vital evidence in an instant.
(The barred window reveals a darkened room with a channel.)

(An unbearable stench wafts towards you from inside.)

(This place does not appear to be accessible to the public.)

(But the Stella employees come and go as if it were routine.)

(Get it over and done with.)
Everything OK? Can you move?

Player, what...?

Looks like I'm just in time.
I owe you my life, too, Player.

It goes without saying.

We're friends.

At least, I think we are.
Erm... I'm sorry. It's not possible. I can't do that.

You're my friend, true, Player, but I've also got another friend at Stella.

I'm sorry, I just can't.

I hope you understand.

He's a really good friend. I can't just abandon him.

Get out of here quickly, Player. You'll be in danger if you stay.
A plan... to awaken a Dragon Lord?


Highly refined power from the Dragon Lord Legacy... Balaur test subjects...

No way! The... awakening of a Dragon Lord!

But... it all makes sense. Has Stella gone mad?

...Player, please wait a moment.

This is such a shocking conclusion that I need a moment to collect my thoughts.

Basic Reward
icon x 190 977
- Stella Ranger
- Ultimate Etium
Optional Reward
- Ultimate Bold Protector's Wings of War
- Ultimate Bold Protector's Magic Wings
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

Quest requirements
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