ID: 71930
A Rift in Gelkmaros
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Gelkmaros
Lv.: 80
Asmodian Only

Talk to the Guardian Anrik. Talk to the Guardian Anrik again. Go to Lakrum through the Abyss Rift. Talk to Lumiel's Agent Harun Go to Dumaha through the Abyss Rift. Talk to the Patrol Commander Monan. Go to Red Katalam through the Abyss Rift. Talk to the Archon Tribune[pl:"Tribunes"] in Red Katalam. Find Beritra's Secret Weapon Magnorion, which has been sighted at the Eremion North Gate – and destroy it (1). Report to Marchutan's agent Richelle. Listen to Anrik's eyewitness report about the mech weapon.
After listening to the story from Marchutan's Agent, Richelle, you went to Anrik to hear his eyewitness account about the mech weapon.

You travelled to Lakrum, Dumaha and Katalam to find the mech weapon.

You eventually discovered and destroyed the mech weapon in Katalam and then reported to Marchutan's Agent, Richelle.

Full quest's text:
Welcome, Player.

I called you because something important has happened.

It's about the Abyss Rift.

Go and listen to what Anrik, who discovered the Abyss Rift, has to say.
So you've been sent here by headquarters, Player...

Then come closer and listen to what I've seen.
This here is a piece of evidence: a metal shard from a secret weapon.

I don't know if there's some connection, but rumours are spreading in Lakrum of a gigantic machine.

You'd better start with your investigations in Lakrum.
A secret weapon?

These kinds of rumours are always doing the rounds in Lakrum, but...

It's possible a Guardian, who was visiting Lakrum for the first time, meant that a Jotun...

You'd better ask the Patrol Commander Monan in Dumaha about this secret weapon.
A secret weapon? I don't know anything about that.

If you take another look, you can see this metal doesn't come from Dumaha.

The Archon Tribune[pl:"Tribunes"] in Red Katalam is an expert in these matters.

Do you know how to reach Red Katalam? So get going quickly to Red Katalam.
A secret weapon? Show me the fragment.

Wait, that's...?! This fragment matches the weapon that showed up in Katalam recently.

It was recently sighted at the Eremion North Gate.

The soldier who discovered it reckons it's big enough that you wouldn't be able to defeat it alone. Please be careful.
So it's true that Beritra's army is preparing to launch an attack in Katalam using the secret weapon.

Well done. I'll come back to you if I need to.

Basic Reward
- Dimension Hourglass (120 min.)
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Engineer, Artist, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunner, Bard, Aethertech, Painter

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