ID: 71930
Rifts Appearing in Gelkmaros
icon Quest
Type: Important
Category: Gelkmaros
Level: 80
Asmodian Only

Talk to Guard Anrik Talk to Guard Anrik again Use the Rift to Lakrum and then go to Lakrum Talk to Lumiel's Agent Harun Use the Rift to Demaha and go to Demaha Talk to Monan Use the Rift to Crimson Katalam and go to Crimson Katalam Talk to Archon Tribunus in Crimson Katalam Find and destroy the Beritra Secret Weapon Magnorion seen at the Northern Eremion Gate (1) Report back to Marchutan's Agent Richelle Hear what Guard Anrik has to say about the mechanical weapon he saw.
You listened to what Kaisinel's Agent Richelle had to say, then met with the witness Anrik to hear his account of a mechanical weapon.

You went to Lakrum, Demaha, and Katalam to find the mechanical weapon.

After finding and destroying the mechanical weapon in Katalam, you reported back to Marchutan's Agent Richelle.

Full quest's text:
Welcome, Player.

I called you because something important happened.

The incident at hand is a Rift.

Guard Anrik saw the Rift, so please go to him and find out more.

Player: Accept

So my superiors sent you, Player.

Come closer, I'll tell you exactly what happened.

Player: "I'm listening."

What I just gave you is the proof, a metal fragment from a giant weapon.

And this may be something unrelated, but there are eyewitness accounts of a giant object in Lakrum.

If you investigate Lakrum first, maybe you'll find out something?

Player: "I'm on it."

A giant weapon?

I haven't heard any such reports from Lakrum.

Could it be that some greenhorn new to Lakrum saw a Jotun and got it wrong?

If you're looking for any mechanical weapon, you might have better luck talking to Demaha Detachment Leader Monan.

Player: "I'll do that."

A giant weapon?

That looks different from the kind of metal that can be found at Demaha.

I heard there's an expert called Archon Tribunus in Crimson Katalam.

You know how to get to Crimson Katalam, right? Then you should go to Crimson Katalam.

Player: "On my way."

A secret weapon? Let me see that fragment.

What...?! This looks just like the fragment from a giant weapon that appeared recently in Katalam.

It was last seen near the Northern Eremion Gate.

Depending on the type of weapon, you might not be able to take it on alone. Please be careful.

Player: "I will."

Beritra clearly is preparing to attack with a weapon from Katalam.

Well done. I might have to ask you for more help in the future.

Basic Reward
- Dimensional Hourglass (120 min)
Additional info
Recommended level80
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Technist, Muse, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Gunslinger, Songweaver, Aethertech, Vandal

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