ID: 730132
Rediscovery of Superus Civilization
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HP: 63
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The Archaeological Society of Sanctum presents an exciting exploration of the fascinating forgotten civilization of Superus!

Archeology Society of Sanctum Press, Vol. XVII

Nestled in the mountains of Heiron lie the ruins of an epoch long past. Enigmatic statues and arches beckon with the promise of ancient knowledge.

Superus! The very name evokes mystery! Even before the Empyrean Lords came to protect mankind, the Superans held their ground against the tyranny of the Balaur!

What secrets do these ancient ruins hold? Even the most in-depth of examinations raises more questions than it answers....

High in their mountain fastness, the Superans were able to defend themselves easily against the Drakan. Their achievements far surpassed those of the other Human tribes still building primitive huts and struggling to compete with the Sapiens.

The rule of the kings of Heironpolis came to stretch throughout the mountains and valleys of Heiron--a kingdom that stood strong against the reptilian oppressors in the age of darkness and flame!

Even before the Empyrean Ascent, the Superans devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the worship of Aion. Their ancient temple walls are engraved with prayers, their temple coffers filled with precious gems, their altars bearing the marks of countless animal sacrifices.

The Superans were quick to recognise the divinity of the Empyrean Lords when other tribes doubted their awesome power. Every child knows the fable of King Alarus and how he bowed before Israphel.

Though embellished in the retelling, the records that the Archaeological Society of Sanctum has recently uncovered proves the truth behind this story.

Yet Superus, like so many other ancient civilizations, fell into ruin during the Cataclysm. The citizens of Superus fled their cities in panic as earthquakes toppled their mighty towers and darkness fell over the land.

The wise men of Superus went to aid in the construction of glorious Sanctum, and it was there they stayed. Superus, never to be reconstructed, fell into complete ruin.

The incomplete historical records of that early age do not reveal the full history of Superus, and over time, all of the Superan Daevas were Vanished before they could write their records. Superus passed into the mists of history.

It was the discovery of an Abyss Gate in the Superan ruins that revived interest in the region. Sanctum ordered that a fortress be constructed around the Gate.

Thus, ancient Superan buildings were rebuilt and a fortress established in the ancient Superan high temple. This renewed interest uncovered a wealth of information about the proud history of Superus, leading to the very volume you hold in your hands today.

The surviving Superan architecture is a fascinating mix of primitive ruins and highly advanced sculpture. The Superans never abandoned their ancient dwellings as did so many other Human civilizations, making these possibly the oldest Human structures in Atreia.

However, their later-period structures are a delight to the aesthete's eye. Beautiful colonnades combine with intricate stonework to create an eternal ideal of beauty that the architects of Sanctum would draw on for centuries to come.

The High Empyrean Temple was the crowning achievement of Superan architecture, a magnificent edifice built in honour of the Empyrean Lords.

Colossal statues of winged protectors watch over the courtyard where, in ancient times, the faithful would gather by the thousands for religious celebrations.

When Sanctum discovered that an Abyss Gate had appeared in Heiron, they decided that the Empyrean Temple would have to be rebuilt to serve as a fortress. Lord Nezekan himself dragged the floating Abyss Gate to the centre of the temple, and the temple was restored, with magnificent new buildings rising in the midst of ancient ruins.

Little is known today about Superan culture, but it is certain that they were devout, and it is likely they valued scholarship as do all highly advanced civilizations.

A future project of the Archaeological Society of Sanctum will entail researching the traditions of families known to have Superan ancestry, to see which common elements exist that may point to a uniquely Superan tradition.

Numerous other mysteries still surround the ruins of Superus--perhaps the answers to many pressing questions.

What of the Klaws that infest the northern jungles of Heiron, for instance? One contentious hypothesis suggests, intriguingly, that the Superans may have created the Klaws as a weapon against the Balaur.

Others contend this is wishful thinking based on a dubious interpretation of poorly-understood documents.

The truth of this hypothesis may lie somewhere in that dense, dangerous jungle, where the northernmost reaches of the Superan kingdom have been reduced to crumbled ruins by the ever-growing vines.

The Archaeological Society hopes to launch future expeditions in order to discover the lost Superan cities that legends hint may be out there somewhere in the deep jungle.

Perhaps, too, the Society will discover the truth behind the legendary lost city of Roah. This ancient city was said to have vanished entirely during the Cataclysm.

Was it a myth? Or does the city still exist somewhere in the Abyss?

Your donations will help us continue to uncover the mysteries of ancient Atreia!

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