ID: 1055
Eternal Rest
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Heiron
Lv.: 37
Elyos Only

Talk with Tessia. Find Kacias. Collect the bones of Manor Worker and take them to Kacias. PlayerBury Urn of the Deceased at Empty Stone Coffin. Report the result to Kacias. Report the result to Tessia. Order: Tessia asked you to investigate an undead who is harrasing passersby at Medies Manor West.
Tessia told you there was a strange undead at Medeus Manor West and asked you to check the situation.

When you arrived, Kacias, the former steward of the manor, asked you to help the undead servants and tenants find their final rest.

You met 4 of the undead who were the workers on the manor. You delivered Kacias's words, then you received their bones. You buried them at the cemetery as Kacias requested.

Full quest's text:
I can't help but feel compassion for undead. They may be hideous, but once they were no different from you or me--husbands and wives, brothers and sisters.

We still don't know why they rise or why they become monsters.

I know I wouldn't want to return from death.
I heard a strange story about one of the undead at the ruins of Medeus Manor West recently.

Passersby claim an undead appears and tries to speak. Many have seen him, but no one's been brave enough to approach.

He obviously wants to talk. Player, will you find him and see what he wants?

That may be true, but this one obviously has something to say. If we listen, maybe he'll reveal something about the undead that can help us put them to rest.

Please go to Medeus Manor West, find the undead named Kacias, and get his story.

We were at war against the Krall. The manor was beautiful then, gracious buildings amidst rolling hills and ancient trees. But the war changed everything.

As the Krall approached, several times my lord asked the fortress to send Guardians to help us. But help never came.

We were farmers, not soldiers--the Krall killed us all. No mercy, no pity.

So I died. And then I rose. And it wasn't only me. I was surrounded by my coworkers--all the loyal servants of the manor.

I just can't understand what happened to us.

One thing is certain--I'm still controlled by the memory of what I once was.

When I was alive, I was steward of the manor, responsible for looking after my lord and his other servants. Now, even undead, I can't help but continue to serve my lord and manage the staff.

They keep doing the work they did in life. They have no peace. I want to help them to eternal rest...yet I'm helpless, undead myself.

Player, will you help us?

Find the vigilante Kalkas, the pigkeeper Mempion, the maid Spina, and the tenant Ladon.

Tell them they don't need to work anymore. They can return to the Aether knowing they've completed their jobs.

Then please bring their bones to me. They should be laid to rest with the care and respect they deserve.
The Krall--all around us! We have to kill them before they take the manor!

Glad to see you, Daeva! We need all the help we can get!

What? What are you talking about? I'm dead? I can't...

Oh...that explains the dreams. Whenever I close my eyes, I see a Krall swinging a sword.

When the Krall invaded...I must have died.

I can't believe it! The fortress never sent us Guardians. They say the Daevas' calling is to protect Humans, but they turned their backs on us when we needed them!

I should...I should return to the flow of Aether. I'll...see my wife again...and my friends....

Look at my porguses--see their bones? It's like they're diseased....

And they attack people--they just go crazy.... What's wrong with them?

Killed? And you just blurt it out like that? How's that for compassion? You haven't got the heart of a Shugo!

I don't believe you. How can I be dead? I'm talking to you, Daeva.

And what about my porguses? They're lively enough.

Undead... It never occured to me that porguses could rise again.

That's too bizarre to be a lie. I...I'm dead. I'm undead. We should rest--you're right.

I hope my porguses rest, too.

I clean and clean, but the moment I turn around, the house is dirty again. And where's all the furniture?

If Kacias sees how dirty the house is, I'll lose my job!

Where's my broom?
What? What are you talking about?

I'm not dead. I'm here every day...every day, I'm sweeping and scrubbing.

The Krall? I used to have nightmares...and I dreamed they killed Kacias...burned the land...and...

Oh...oh no... I'm undead, aren't I? Ariel's light, I don't want this!

Help me, Daeva! Help me return to the flow of Aether!

Is there word of a plague in the land, or some sort of disease? I've planted and plowed the field but nothing grows.

I can't breathe. I can't lie down on my back--something's in the way. I can't stop wretching. No rest...

If things go on like this, there'll be no harvest and I'll have no Kinah for rent.

Is that a threat? Are you going to kill me? Go on! Go ahead! This miserable life isn't worth the land it's built on!

Come on! What are you waiting for? Kill me! The Krall want this place--they can have it!

The Krall...wait a minute...

The Krall...they overran the land. Yes...I remember. I had a hoe. I was pulling weeds....

All I've been able to think of is farming--planting, weeding, tending, reaping... I don't remember sleep. Or the taste of stewed porgus. It's all because I'm undead, isn't it?

I can stop, now, can't I? I don't have to work anymore. I don't have to worry.

Player, did you find the servants and the tenant?

Did they understand they were dead?

I hope you helped them return to the Aether.
Thank you, Player! I'm so grateful! Now we can lay them to rest.

A public cemetery lies near Medeus Manor East. I'll put these bones in an urn for proper burial there. Would you do the honours?

Inside the cemetery, there's a place where bones are piled up. Bury the box in that exact spot--nowhere else.

Have you buried the bones at the cemetery?

I hope my friends have found eternal rest.
Thank you for your kind words, but I can't rest until I find all our workers and send them back to the flow of Aether.

Thank you very much for helping me.

I see. So they didn't know they were undead, am I right?

We can't remove them without killing them. We'll have to think of something else

Thank you for your service, Player.

Basic Reward
icon 26 941 639 XP
- Greater Life Serum
Optional Reward
- Tessia's Cloth Shoes
- Tessia's Leather Shoes
- Tessia's Brogans
- Tessia's Sabatons
Additional info
Recommended level39
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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