ID: 11103
Finite for a Walk
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Lv.: 52
Elyos Only

Talk with Cinisca Talk with Maisa Talk with Vrius Bring Vrius the book he asked for.
Vrius said he ordered a helping-yourself book and asked you to retrieve it from Cinisca.

Cinisca loaned the book to Maisa, so you picked it up from her. When Vrius finally got his book, he thanked you and gave you a reward.

Full quest's text:
Arieluma, Daeva. Not much happening. Just standing here, watching things.

I seem to be doing that quite a bit these days...just watching things. Ever since I ascended.

Cough cough! Mmm, my throat is killing me, too.

I haven't felt well in a long while, Daeva. I just...stand here, watching life pass me by.

And it's a long life being a Daeva. Long time to stand around and watch life saunter by you...always knowing you'll have another day to accomplish what you should have done today.

To be honest, I only felt truly alive before I became eternal. I really tasted all that life had to offer when...when it was still finite...when I could lose it at any time.

Indeed, my friend. Cough cough...pardon me...cough.

Every sunrise I awaken and tell myself that THIS is the day that I will make a new start...that THIS is the day that I will start to appreciate all that Aion has given me.

But it never sticks past my tea and biscuits. But I will start my new life! I will start this moment! Will you help me, Daeva? Help me to live my life!

You are my sunrise today, Daeva! You...cough cough... Mmm, my throat.

There's a book I need to buy...what they refer to as a helping-yourself book. It's called "A Long and Far Journey," and it's supposed to help me celebrate life again.

It's only available in can get it from Cinisca. She's holding a copy for me.

Good day, Daeva. Here to pick up supplies?

Vrius? Oh, "A Long and Far Journey," right?

He ordered it weeks ago but never picked it up, so I loaned it to Maisa.

I'm sorry, but I didn't think he'd actually come to get it. You'll have to get the book from Maisa.
Greetings, Player. "A Long and Far Journey"? Yes, yes, I do have it.

It's an amazing book. Every page revealed a new layer of myself, like unfolding every delicate petal of a Jada flower...only to find the bright bud at its core.

But I haven't finished it yet. Must you take it with you?

I understand, Daeva. Others need the healing grace of this book as well...especially those who paid for it.

Farewell, Player. As the good book says, Live each day as if you were still clothed in your mortal skin.

Player, what took you so long to get my book?

She was? Did she like it? She didn't dog-ear all the pages, did she?

Oh, no matter. My book is finally here! My new life starts now, friend. My new life sta...cough cough...starts now!

Basic Reward
icon 1 465 400 XP
icon x 10 700
Additional info
Quest giverVrius
Recommended level53
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
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