ID: 1126
Mushroom Research
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Poeta
Lv.: 7
Elyos Only

Find Fungie Heart[pl:"Hearts"] on the Agaric Spore Road and take them to Melponeh. PlayerThe historian Melponeh asked you to obtain Fungie Heart[pl:"Hearts"] for her research. Go to the Agaric Spore Road and kill Fungies.
Melponeh is a researcher studying the history of the Sapiens. She said that she needs the hearts of Fearless Fungie for her studies. She is currently researching the effect of the fall of Aion on the Sapiens class.

You therefore went to the Agaric Spore Road, killed the Fungies and got their Fungie Hearts.

Full quest's text:
Are you interested in the history of the Sapiens?

You’re a mercenary, not a scientist. So you’re less interested in their history than you are in their destruction, correct?

From a historical point of view, I think Akarios is a wonderful place to study.

There are many relics here in the border regions that haven’t been destroyed by Humans or Daevas.
But there’s something new that we have to examine.

I’m planning to study Fearless Fungie.

Oh, I’ve got it! Would you help me with my research, Player?

Would you do me a favour – if you have the time?
The Fearless Fungie were originally plants. After the fall of Aion, however, they were exposed to the light of Aether and were transformed.

By studying them, we will be able to ascertain whether the Sapiens are also influenced by the light of Aether.

How about it? Could you kill the Fearless Fungie for me and get their Fungie Hearts?
Excellent! I knew you had a curious mind.

The Fearless Fungies roam on the Agaric Spore Road. I'd like to have a few hearts for my anatomy sketchbook.

A scientific curiosity to ponder... while I heal. To think--a plant with a heart!

Ah, you’re back.

Did you find... the [plur]Fungie Heart[pl:"Hearts"]?
No, Player, Fungie Heart[pl:"Hearts"]s, fresh ones!

Please make sure you bring several, enough to see individual differences, you know.

I think I need to rest now....

Player, these are perfect!

Now I can study these and learn if they arose out of the Cataclysm... or natural evolution.... A perfect project to calm a fevered mind!

Thank you, friend. Please... take this as a token. I'll mention you in my paper, too.

Basic Reward
icon 5 445 XP
icon x 3 300
Additional info
Quest giverMelponeh
Recommended level8
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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