ID: 1755
Root of the Problem
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Reshanta
Lv.: 26

Get rid of [plur]Root Scout[pl:"Scouts"] (15). Talk with Triminos, an Elim. There are few Elim in the Sulphur Archipelago, and those that remain are threatened by the Root Scouts. Triminos, an Elim, seeks an end to the conflict.
Elim Triminos in the Sulphur Archipelago said that his brothers were contaminated by vicious energy and became Root Scouts.

He said the Root Scouts were contaminating other Elim, and asked you to get rid of them.

After you did as he asked, he was of mixed opinions.

Full quest's text:
The time of the Elim is passing.

Each day without night, night without day, we slip into madness.

I may well be next...
We called this place Woden! It was given the Blessing of Life.

One day, I was sucked into a black vortex and brought here.

The Energy of Life kept draining away and even my brothers collapsed.

They were reborn as Root Scouts and contaminate my other brothers.
For them? No. They are lost to time.

But you could help the Root Scout[pl:"Scouts"]s go back to the nature according to the providence of all creations.

This is the only way to give them peace.
You are truly a friend to Elim.

Watch out for Root Scout[pl:"Scouts"]s hiding inside the land.

Do not waver from this task. Do not stop until you end their pained existence.
I knew you could do it, Player.

Nothing in this place comes close to the purity of your Aether energy.

Did you kill them all, all of those Root Scouts?
I have mixed feelings hearing this news.

Even though they had fallen, they were once my brothers.

Had we never come here, our lives would be ones of promise and peace.

Basic Reward
icon 180 114 XP
icon x 33 070
icon x 250
Additional info
Quest giverTriminos
Recommended level27
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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