ID: 20001
Traveling to Gelkmaros
icon Quest
Type: Campaign
Category: Convent of Marchutan
Lv.: 50
Asmodian Only

Talk with Agehia. Talk with Tigrina. Deliver Tigrina's message to Nekai. Deliver Tigrina's message to Grer. Deliver Tigrina's message to Moorinerk. Talk with Tigrina. Talk with Richelle. Board Tigrina's battleship at the Airship Dock and travel to Gelkmaros to meet Marchutan's Agent Richelle.
High Priest Agehia asked you to help retrieve Siel's Relics in Gelkmaros before they fell into Tiamat's hands.

After finishing an errand for Tigrina, you sailed on a battleship to Gelkmaros. Upon your arrival, you checked in with Marchutan's Agent Richelle.

Full quest's text:
You have heard of what some call Dark Poeta, I assume? Even though it hap... might happen in Elysea, there is no way to be sure the same fate will not befall Asmodae.

Pandaemonium nearly fell into chaos over the matter, but fortunately Empyrean Lord Marchutan has his head about him. He carefully researched the matter, and learned that Balaur Lady Tiamat was reliant on Siel's Relics.

Ancient relics empowered by the fallen Lady Siel, Protector of the Tower of Eternity and the Lady of Time. If Tiamat cannot obtain Siel's Relics, Dark Poeta will never come about.

Lord Marchutan predicted that the relics would be found in Gelkmaros, so the army was led there. Unfortunately, they have not yet found anything. More help is needed--your help. I am not yet convinced, but....

I suppose if Lord Vidar sent you here, then Lord Marchutan will be expecting you. He will surely have predicted that you would come to his aid.

Enough talk. Tigrina is waiting to take you to Gelkmaros. Meet her at Airship Dock without delay.

So you're the one I'm taking to Gelkmaros?

Balaurea is nothing like Asmodae, you know. Nothing like Reshanta either, so you'll have to be extra careful. Rumour has it that all those the Balaur capture go insane.

Of course, if you're willing to go there you're probably already half crazy, right?

Please consider it until we have completed the preparations for our departure. That should be enough time to mull it over.

I’m also busy repairing the battleship… What am I doing…?

(looking at you) Tell me, Player, could you perhaps do something for me instead of just standing around?

You just need to let Nekai, Grer and Moorinerk know something.

Please tell them this: ‘I’ll bring the goods with me next time.’
Hey, gorgeous, what can I get for you? Everything you see here is of the highest quality. Everything....

See anything you like? Take your pick. My prices are quite reasonable--but no credit. Cash only.

The next ship? It's about time. My goods are in high demand in Gelkmaros--nothing natural grows there, and the troops look forward to Asmodian treats.

Archons stop by to visit me before they head off, so they can take a little something extra with them. They're some of my best customers.

Did I mention how fresh my goods were? Take a squeeze if you don't believe me....

Did Tigrina send you? Good news. My warehouse is getting full.

Ah, nothing you'd be interested in. Just some things belonging to an Archon dispatched to Gelkmaros. He was in such a hurry that he left everything behind, including most of his clothes.

He said he'd come get everything himself as soon as he settled down, but I guess he must be quite busy, so he's paying extra to have his things shipped with Tigrina.

It's not often one gets to deliver one's goods via battleship!

The next ship, nyerk? Are you sure? Akakakakak!

But I haven't prepared everything yet. Tigrina's orders are quite complicated. She doesn't do things like most Traders do. Doesn't understand.

I hope I can get it all ready for her, nyerk nyerk.

Not for Gelkmaros--for the ship, nyerk. Have you ever heard of an instant shock absorber? A special device used on Trader ships. It absorbs shocks. Instantly.

Tigrina wants one of those. Plus a box of extra strength anti-nausea pills. Akakakakak! All hard to make! Not supposed to be traded with non-Black Cloud without permission, but must offer help to get in return.

Could do business with others, I suppose. Easier to deal with Elyos, maybe. Or Balaur...ean residents. Nyerk. Would never help the Balaur, of course. Nyerk nyerk. I have to go.

You're back, Player. Did you deliver my message? I don't have time to check now, so your word will have to be enough. If it turns out you just went and knocked a few back at the Apellbine, I'll find out. Mark my words....

Anyway, the battleship is about ready to sail. You still want to go to Gelkmaros? Really?

Really? You're sure, huh? Well, okay.... I can't stop you.

If you change your mind once you're there, I'll bring you back to Pandaemonium though. Only way into Gelkmaros, and the only way out. Well, there's two ways out, but one of 'em involves you being dead.

Right, we're off. All aboard!

Player? Where have you been? Gelkmaros sent word that you hadn't arrived. I'm sure I saw you debark. What happened? Did you...?

Oh, I see. You got scared, didn't you? Got off the ship, decided to sneak out the back way? I won't tell anyone. No one even noticed, I bet. Well, almost no one.

Anyway, if you want to come I'm heading back to Gelkmaros right now. This time, don't forget to check in with Marchutan's Agent Richelle when we arrive.

Lord Marchutan has much in store for you here. Many missions, many decisions to be made--all on your own. He trusts that you will do the right thing, and so do I.

Just remember, Player, that you stand at a crossroads. Your choices will help decide the fate of Asmodae, and all Atreia. Do not fail us.

Basic Reward
icon 1 723 930 XP
icon x 22 760
Additional info
Quest giverAgehia
Recommended level50
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Vidar's Call

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