ID: 2427
Recovering Research Material
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Morheim
Lv.: 23
Asmodian Only

Find the items in the Wooden Box and the Old Barrel and take them to Kistig. PlayerKistig wants to continue his research but he left his medicine bottles and research materials behind when he fled. Go get the bottles and research so he can continue his work.
When Kistig escaped from his lab, he took medicine bottles and research materials. The Spirits attacked him as he ran, so he abandoned everything to save his own life.

To help him continue his research, you went to the ruins of the lab and brought him back his bottles and research. He thanked you.

Full quest's text:
I need to start all over again: somewhere safe and quiet, where there are no Spirits, no Lepharists--nothing to threaten my research.

When the Spirits attacked my lab, I grabbed my potions and research materials. I wanted to save them at all costs.

I put the bottles into a box, flung the research materials into a barrel, and fled.
It was too much to carry. The Wooden Box was especially heavy because it contained all that glass. I had to put it down.

I carried the Old Barrel a little farther...but I had to escape...I thought I could retrieve everything later.

I really need the Potion Bottle[pl:"Bottles"] and the Research Materials. Player, assuming they survived, would you please find them for me?

I left the Wooden Box containing the medicine bottles in front of the lab door.

Then I hid the Old Barrel containing the research materials near the wagon below the hill.

Please find them for me!

Azphelumbra, Player!

Did you find the Wooden Box holding my medicine bottles and the Old Barrel of research materials? Were they intact?

Did those Spirits destroy the Wooden Box and Old Barrel too?

What, you haven’t checked yet?

It might not be urgent to you, Player, but this is the work of my life. I can’t continue my research without it.

Please hurry and bring me the [plur]Potion Bottle[pl:"Bottles"] and the Research Materials!
You found them! Thank you so much!

Now I can continue my research, all thanks to you.

I don't know how I can thank you...

Basic Reward
icon 117 433 XP
Additional info
Quest giverKistig
Recommended level24
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Scouting the Lab

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