ID: 3022
Meat the Viragos
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Theobomos
Lv.: 24
Elyos Only

Hunt Virago Shaman, collect its meat and take it to Gojirunerk. PlayerHelp Gojirunerk develop a new menu for the Guardians at the entrance of the Parched Barrens. Procure the tender hip meat of Virago Shamans for him.
Gojirunerk asked you to procure some lumps of tender Virago hip meat for his new menu. You picked it up during your sojourn in Revenge Valley and brought it back to him.

Full quest's text:
Daeva! Yes, you, [%userclass]. You be going to Revenge Valley?

Gojirunerk cook for Wardens, but they're tired of my food! Imagine! Gojirunerk have an idea for new dish, but need Virago meat.

Could you get some? Gojirunerk give you handsome reward! Akakak!
Well, don't know exactly, akakak...but will be great!

Guardians so picky! Gojirunerk cook for them for years and they complain and complain.

Now they say they're tired of everything and want something new. Does food grow on trees, nyerk? Of course not.

Only new thing Gojirunerk find that lives in the area is Virago. Could you hunt some Virago Shamans and bring meat here? Hip meat should be most tender....
Perfect! This will be wonderful, akakak.

Bring back a lot of Virago Shamans. Good food takes trying lots of things.

What more you need from Gojirunerk? Go!
Well, [%userclass], do you have it? Did you bring Virago meat?

Give it to Gojirunerk, give it! It must be stored quickly, akakak.

Where is Tender Hock Meat? Why you come back without it?

Haven't you already gone? Guardians aren't going to make their own meals, you know.

It is here! Ah, there is so much Gojirunerk can do with this. Akakakakak!

*sniff* It smells...delicious. Gojirunerk think. No matter.

Now will just have to decide what to do with it....

Basic Reward
icon 154 050 XP
Additional info
Quest giverGojirunerk
Recommended level25
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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