ID: 30323
[Group] Avoid like the Plaguebearer
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beshmundir Temple
Lv.: 52
Asmodian Only

Get the Plaguebearer's Core and take it to Sulbanyer. PlayerDefeat The Plaguebearer and bring its core to Sulbanyer so he can create an antidote for its poison.
Sulbanyer figured out that most of the Daevas he treated were actually being poisoned in Beshmundir Temple by a gigantic Slime.

You defeated The Plaguebearer and brought its core back to Sulbanyer, who hoped he could derive many antidotes--and maybe a few poisons--from it.

Full quest's text:
Ah, Player! Azphel must be watching over me, for you to come by just when I needed you.

Remember how I was wondering why so many Daevas were being poisoned, when the venomous creatures in Silentera Canyon were so weak?

Well, I was getting nowhere for a long time. Then I realised I was approaching the issue all wrong!

I realised that there could another source of poison somewhere in Silentera Canyon. Yet no patrols reported anything of the kind.

Again I was stumped. But again I realised that I was looking at things the wrong way. Silentera Canyon itself contains other locations!

That was the breakthrough! It turns out that most of the poisoned Daevas were actually afflicted in Beshmundir Temple!

Well, it was hard to tell at first--many of the poisoned Daevas were hallucinating, which is why we didn't realise about Beshmundir before.

Eventually, I discovered that the culprit is a gigantic Slime. But to fight its poison, I'll need the purest sample I can get.

With my past experience, analyzing it won't take long, but I'm not enough of a warrior to collect the sample myself. Could you...?

Considering its virulent nature, I've called this slime The Plaguebearer. To create an antidote, I need its Plaguebearer's Core.

I've narrowed down its location to the Vault of the Conquerors underneath Beshmundir Temple. Don't worry, you'll know it when you see it.

Now that I know we're looking at a Slime-related poison, I've stabilized the most gravely ill Daevas.

Still, they won't recover completely--even through an Obelisk--without the antidote. That's what's so diabolical about this poison.

I'm eager to see what the Plaguebearer's Core can tell us--even what it looks like!

I know Daevas often joke to lighten harsh moods, but this is hardly the time for humor.

We're talking about your injured comrades here. Not to mention a potentially significant advance in our double-front war.

Plaguebearer's Core could save so many lives. You can't just ignore that.

Oh. My. I didn't expect it to be so...big...and...smelly. But who said nature is always pretty?

But I will definitely be able to create an antidote from it. Maybe two or three!

After that, it definitely goes to Pandaemonium for more intensive study. I don't think you realise just how much knowledge you've brought me today.

Basic Reward
icon 3 710 600 XP
Optional Reward
- Sulbanyer's Tunic
- Sulbanyer's Jerkin
- Sulbanyer's Hauberk
- Sulbanyer's Breastplate
- Decree of Valor
Additional info
Quest giverSulbanyer
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Poison Problem

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