ID: 3063
[Daily/Coin] Excavating the Theobomos Fortress
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Theobomos
Lv.: 48
Elyos Only

Get Statue Pieces from Kirrins and Nagolems in Theobomos Stronghold, and bring them to Ionse. PlayerThe excavation of Theobomos Stronghold is in progress. Bring Ionse Statue Pieces for study.
Ionse told you the story behind the name Theobomos and asked you to help the excavation of Theobomos Stronghold.

As he requested, you killed Kirrins and Nagolems and brought their Statue Pieces to him. Then Ionse thanked you and gave you a coin as a reward.

Full quest's text:
Long ago, during the Millennium war, this land was ruled by a great Daeva named Theobomos.

He was a man of such great erudition that even the Empyrean Lords would call on him for advice.

Legend says he died defending this land against the Balaur Lord Fregion.

Just imparting a little local colour before you begin the hard labour.

Sanctum has ordered an excavation of Theobomos' ancient stronghold. We are commanded to retrieve anything that may be of value.

The stronghold's long since succumbed to the ravages of time and battle, however, and there's little to find.

There are some valuable artefacts to be had, but they are well-defended. I should say, they defend themselves.

I speak, of course, of the living statues Theobomos made. It'd take a powerful Daeva to subdue them.

That'd be you, of course.
Go forth and deal with the various Ironback Kirrines, Impassive Nagolems, Nagolem Sentrys, and Angry Nagolems.

Bring back their Statue Pieces for study, and I shall reward you with a Platinum Coin from Sanctum.

You're covered in dust--dust from broken statues, I hope.

Did they prove too tough even for you? I'll find someone else, then.

We must stay on track with Sanctum's schedule. I wouldn't want to ask the Empyrean Lords for an extension.

Do you think Theobomos was a sculptor? I like to think he may have been--that he carved all these statues himself.

I would be much obliged if you'd continue to bring me pieces back for study. I'll reward you in coins.

Basic Reward
icon 3 466 631 XP
- Platinum Coin
- Angel's Eye
Additional info
Quest giverIonse
Recommended level49
Repeat count
Quest renewal daysdaily
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

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