ID: 3512
Lepharists Everywhere
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Heiron
Lv.: 31
Elyos Only

Get rid of some Lepharist Revolutionaries. [plur]Trainee Scout[pl:"Scouts"] (9) [plur]Scout Fighter[pl:"Fighters"] (5) Talk with Iorene. Destroy the Lepharist Revolutionaries as Iorene asked.
Iorene asked you to help her thin the ranks of the Lepharists Revolutionaries.

When you eradicated the threat, she rewarded you.

Full quest's text:
What have we here?

I know you've just returned, Player, but I'd like to ask you another favour. I can't trust anyone else.

It's the Lepharist Revolutionaries...they're everywhere. They're well-trained and much stronger than before.

I know, that's why I'm bringing this dilemma to you. I know you can handle yourself.

Those Lepharists, they've learned some new fighting tactics...they've been studying us. But you've never been burdened by rules of combat.

I need your unique skills to...exterminate the Lepharists for me, for all of us. For the sake of all Elyos. Will you?
Oh, that's glorious! I was hoping you would accept, Player.

They're everywhere, spreading! Those Lepharists are like a plague.

If you could just kill off the Trainee Scout[pl:"Scouts"]s and Scout Fighter[pl:"Fighters"]s, it might thin their legion out and slow the plague down.
With wisdom, courage, and a dash of Ariel's luck, no enemy is a match for a determined Daeva.

You killed them? Killed them all?

Ohhh, I wish I had been there with you so I could see the life slip from their filthy spirits, watch the blood pour from their gaping wounds. I hope they suffered greatly.

Here, take this reward. You have earned your place in the books of the legends today, Player! Faith and arms!

Basic Reward
icon 283 190 XP
icon x 3 500
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
icon x 5 900
- Suspicious Green Sack
Additional info
Quest giverIorene
Recommended level32
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Stolen Relic

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