ID: 4513
Drakes and Drakies Strike Back!
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Beluslan
Lv.: 32
Asmodian Only

Collect the scales of Malek Drakie[pl:"Drakies"]s and Malek Drakes, and take them to Huarinrinerk. PlayerMonsters still hamper the mining efforts of the Kidorun Grave Robber Band. Hunt Malek Drakes and Drakies and bring their scales to Huarinrinerk.
Huarinrinerk and the Kidorun Grave Robber Band continue to have problems mining Malek. They decided another scale hunt was in order, and requested that you hunt down more Malek Drakes and Drakies.

When you brought her Violet Scales and Dark-colored Scales as evidence of your kills, she rewarded you as promised.

Full quest's text:
Kidorun Grave Robber Band is still struggling, nyerk. The Drakes and Drakies still attack us!

I think they see us small Shugos as supper, nyerk. That is why they chase us, but not Humans or Daevas.

Daeva, you helped us before--you will help us again, yes?
On what? Reward? Oh, Huarinrinerk give you reward, do not worry about that! Shugo knows good investment when she sees one!

Maybe if Drakes and Drakies attacked again, they will avoid area, so we can go in and mine.

Malek Drakie[pl:"Drakies"]s and Malek Drakes are what need to die! Daeva willing to do the deed?
Ahh, good good! Just remember: Malek Drakes much more aggressive than Malek Drakie[pl:"Drakies"]s. They will attack anything, Shugo or Daeva, nyerk!

But Huarinrinerk cannot go out there to confirm kills without first knowing if kills done! Bring back scales so I know you did your job!

Other Kidorun members getting restless, nyerk. They have nothing to do, so they start plotting their own jobs. Not good for organization!

If we were able to mine Malek, we would have distraction. We would have purpose!

If you have Violet Scales and Dark-colored Scales, it is proof you have cleared way for us. Show Huarinrinerk!
Shugos did not get to become great merchants with blind trust, nyerk!

Not that we distrust great Daeva of Pandaemonium, but it is official Shugo policy, you see.

You probably did kill many Drakes and Drakies, but without Violet Scales and Dark-colored Scales, I cannot pay you. Please understand, my reputation would be ruined if I did!
Scales are kind of pretty, nyerk. Yet they were attached to meanies that caused us so much misery. Now I do not know what to do with them!

Hmmm...maybe make into jewellery and sell on the side? Could be profitable....

Oh, before I forget, here is your reward. If you ever need more Kinah, come back. Plenty of Drakes and Drakies out there, nyerk!

Basic Reward
icon 339 130 XP
icon x 3 100
- Malek Drakie Candy
Additional optional reward when completed 10 times
icon x 5 200
- Suspicious Old Sack
Additional info
Quest giverHuarinrinerk
Recommended level33
Repeat count10
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Malek Drakes and Drakies

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