ID: 4906
Tales of Heroes
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Pandaemonium
Lv.: 45
Asmodian Only

Go to Brusthonin and interview Theia. Go to Reshanta and interview Hisui. Go to Pandaemonium and interview Sigyn. Return the Book of Record to Moreinen. Interview those who knew the Red Sky Legion, and add their accounts to the Book of Record for Moreinen.
Moreinen found stories of the Red Sky Legion fascinating and decided to collect the tales for a book.

You visited Brusthonin and Reshanta to interview those who knew the Red Sky Legion and add their accounts to Moreinen's Book of Record.

When you returned to Moreinen, she was thrilled with the material you gathered, though she said some of the controversial elements might have to be omitted.

Full quest's text:
Nice to see you again, Player. I've decided that I should study the Red Sky Legion more deeply.

So many people have been excited by the academic paper I'm writing, it's inspired me to write an entire book. People just love the story of nine heroes who defeated the Balaur and protected Brusthonin to their deaths.

I think it could be incredibly popular!

Well...perhaps, but that's not why I'm writing it! Honestly! People need to be inspired to fight a war like this. Tales of heroes are critical to maintaining a strong front against our enemies.

My academic study of strategies is important too, but people are more interested in the personal stories of heroes and their lives.

To write this book I need personal accounts from people who actually knew them. If you'd be willing to help me get the interviews I'll credit you in my book. How about it?

The material you brought me before was wonderful. You must be very easy for people to talk to. They don't open up to me like that--maybe it's my academic nature.

Take the Book of Record as you did before, and go speak with the ancient ghost Theia at the Shelter of Souls in Brusthonin.

Then, speak with Hisui at the Primum Landing in Reshanta, and Sigyn in the Capitol Building of Pandaemonium.

Do you have questions again?

It seems people only visit me when they want an answer.

What is it you want?
The Red Sky Legion was commanded by Brigade General Virkel in the name of Lady Triniel. Most of her generals were Assassins and Rangers, but Virkel was a Templar.

Three arrogant brothers, Sirh, Barche, and Bert, served in the Red Sky. They often irritated the General with their bickering, as all three wanted to win the affections of the unit's Cleric, Angeiya.

Anyway, the Legion showed excellent unity and organization. They drilled constantly, and in combat they moved in perfect unison, always with the fearless Virkel in the lead.

The affairs of the Red Hasia Legion keep me quite busy, but I can always take a moment to speak with you, Player.

Make it quick though.

Virkel and I came up through the ranks together. At the time we met, he was greatly favoured by Lord Nezekan, who now favours Elysea. Of course this was before the Cataclysm.

One day Virkel suddenly pledged his sword to the service of Lady Triniel. When I asked him why, he said it was his mission, but he wouldn't explain further. Virkel was a loyal man of few words, and he knew how to keep a secret.

Some believe that Lord Nezekan and Lady Triniel were in love, and Nezekan charged Virkel to Trinel's service to protect her. If true, it's very tragic considering what happened later.

If you have not come to learn from me, what is it you want?

Red Sky was Lady Triniel's favoured Legion and she personally appointed General Virkel to lead them. It caused quite a controversy to have a Templar in her senior ranks, but Virkel soon proved himself.

When they were sent to defend Brusthonin, some believed the situation was hopeless, that we should withdraw and cede the territory to the Balaur. Everyone was shocked when Virkel and his people sent Beritra and Zunewgishe Legion running!

In the end, though, Red Sky was defeated. Normally a lost Legion is reformed, but Lady Triniel decided against it. No other legion will ever be Red Sky.

Player! You're back!

I've conducted several interviews of my own here in Pandaemonium. I'm very curious to see how the different stories line up.

So, let me see what you recorded in the Book of Record.

Hmm...all these people also praised Virkel. He must have been a remarkable Daeva.

But this...I'll have to exclude this part about him serving Empyrean Lord Nezekan. I don't want to be visited by the Shadow Judge.

These accounts will make a very engaging book! I'll be sure to mention your help in the preface!

Basic Reward
icon 738 671 XP
icon x 73 310
Additional info
Quest giverMoreinen
Recommended level45
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Revenant

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Interviewing the Veterans

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