ID: 11122
[Group] A Hard Reian's Gonna Fall
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 53
Elyos Only

Get rid of the underlings of the Balaur. Herefodus(1) The Dragonkissed(1) Talk with Titus. Titus asked you to get rid of Herefodus and The Dragonkissed, who have turned many Reian tribesmen into Dragonbound.
Titus said the underlings of the Balaur had kidnapped Reian tribesmen and turned them into Dragonbound.

You slew Herefodus and The Dragonkissed as he requested. When you returned, he was thankful and rewarded you.

Full quest's text:
Greetings, Elyos. I have been watching you.

You fight the Dragonbound as if the Aion himself swung your sword.

I lost my entire family to the Dragonbound, and yet my rage is but a fraction of yours.

Player: "I fight to win!"

I would love to kill every single Dragonbound walking this foul land, but I hesitate. You see, I believe my family is among beautiful wife and child. They were brainwashed, like so many other Reians.

Deep in the recesses of the temple, Herefodus and The Dragonkissed continue to brainwash my people, turning them into walking corpses.

We must get rid of them...but I...hesitate. My friend, would you do my people a great justice by killing Herefodus and The Dragonkissed?

Player: Accept.

They turned my young son and my wife into Dragonbound! Just killing their soldiers is not enough.

For the sake of all Reians not yet taken, you must slay Herefodus and The Dragonkissed!

Player: "I will do my best!"

Did Herefodus and The Dragonkissed see justice? Did their warm blood soil the sand beneath their feet?

Player: "They are dead, Reian!"

Thanks to you, I have found my wife and child have found theirs as well.

I will never forget this day, Elyos. Thank you. Please take this....

Basic Reward
icon 4 286 800 XP
icon x 147 820
- Fine Anti-Shock Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverTitus
Recommended level54
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Enter the Dragonbound

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