ID: 11139
The Bad News
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Inggison
Level: 53
Elyos Only

Talk with Cicero. Talk with Gelon. As Suleion said, report to Cicero and take Aran's Keepsake to Gelon.
Suleion broke the seal on Aran's Keepsake before asking you to take it to Gelon.

So you let Cicero know that the Jotun Studio was cleared, and you took the keepsake to Gelon.

Full quest's text:
Wait! Wait...don't leave just yet. You need to see this.

(He puts his hand on Aran's Keepsake and whispers. The book glows, and the seal breaks open.)

Aran taught me how to open the journal. Nice, huh? Well, he didn't realize she taught me...if you catch my drift.

Player: "What's inside?"'s written in the ancient language. Aran didn't warn me about that.

You'd better bring it to Gelon. Because I have no idea what in Aion's name I'm staring at.

Tell him it belonged to Aran.... He'll know what to do with it.

Player: "I'll take care of it."

Actually, could you swing by and let Cicero know that our little Aran roadblock at the Jotun Studio has been cleared away?

That poor Daeva has been waiting patiently to investigate the Jotun Relics there...while I was reconnecting with my inner Daeva in the woods. And while you were fighting.

Player: Accept.

I'll just stay here a while longer and breathe that...ahhh...breathe that fresh air.

And I'll...I'll pray for Aran, of course. And you, too, Player.

Oh, and don't forget to take this to Gelon....

Player: "Better not pray in a reclined position!"

Good to see you again.

I've been under pressure to start investigating the Jotun Studio at once. I was hoping I'd hear from you or Suleion soon.

How did it go? Is that old Reian still holding up the operation?

Player: "Aran is dead. It's safe now."

Oh, that's great news! That's...well, maybe not great news for Aran, but at least we can start researching that location now.

Are you going to tell Gelon?

Just be sure and let him know that you tried every possible way to do it peacefully...even if you really didn't. He's going to take this one hard.

Player: "I'll tell him it was quick."

Greetings, young Elyos. Did you come alone?

Where's Aran? And what happened to Suleion? He assured me that he'd convince Aran to leave peacefully.

What happened out there today, young Elyos?

Player: "This book was Aran's."

But.... Aran gave you this to give to me? He would never let this book leave his sight....

Oh...I see now, young Elyos. My faith in your peaceful approach was greatly exaggerated.

I should have spoken with our blessed sage myself. I never should have left it to such a...cold savage.

Basic Reward
icon 1 032 300 XP
icon x 35 250
- [Event] Suspicious Red Sack
Additional info
Quest giverSuleion
Recommended level55
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

Quest requirements
Finished quests:
Kill the Corrupted Sage

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