ID: 1430
A Teleportation Experiment
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Eltnen
Level: 99
Elyos Only

Talk to Sonirim. Return to Elysea and talk to Sonirim. Onesimus the Teleporter asked you to help Sonirim. Go to the second floor of the Fortress and meet her.
Onesimus asked you to help Sonirim, a young-looking Daeva who is trying to find a way to teleport people by manipulation of Aether alone. You spoke to her and allowed her to send you to a region of Elysea, but she accidentally teleported you to Asmodae.

You made your way back to Elysea and told Sonirim what had happened. She was so sorry that she gave you a gift as a token of apology.

Full quest's text:
I told her, "Teleportation is tricky, not something to mess with." Of course, she didn't listen, did she?

She has to try her little experiments. "I can do it without the machine," she says. "Just watch," she says.

I watched, all right. It's been...festive.

Player: "Sorry, who are you talking about?"

Sonirim, of course. She has guts, I'll give her that, but she's crazy thinking that she can teleport anyone by manipulation of Aether alone!

She won't listen to me, of course. Just asks me to send her people she can practice on.

What about you, Player? Are you feeling gutsy?

Player: Accept.

Really? You're willing to help out? Wow. Truth be told, I was just going through the motions by asking you in the first place.

Well, don't say I didn't warn you. She's up on the second floor if you're ready to be experimented on.

Player: "It'd be nice not to need the machine...."

Oh, a VISITOR! I don't get many these days, for some reason.

What can I do for you?

Player: "Onesimus sent me to see you...."

Then I can teleport you?! YES!

Oh thank you, Player! I really think that this will be great once I can get the hang of it. No machines! Think of the freedom! I'll do my best to keep you in one piece.

So where would you like me to send you? THIS IS SO EXCITING!

Player: "Well, where can you send me?"

Well, I've tried Poeta, Verteron, and Sanctum so far. Best to stick with those, I expect.

Player: "Okay, let's try Poeta."

ASMODAE?! Not again!

No! This WILL work, I don't care what Onesimus says! I'm not giving up.

I'm sorry though, Player. Let me give you this to make up for it.

Basic Reward
icon 90 000 XP
icon x 6 620
- Eltnen Fortress Scroll
Additional info
Quest giverOnesimus
Recommended level99
Repeat count1
Can share
Can cancel
RaceElyos Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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Curatrix 20-11-2023 12:11

This quest doesnt show up in Aion Classic, can anyone confirm that this still exist or not?

Kiriak 20-11-2023 12:33

I think, this might be disabled intentionally to avoid low level ganking.

Curatrix 20-11-2023 12:43

I see, thanks.