ID: 21052
Dragon Hunting
icon Quest
Type: Quest
Category: Gelkmaros Armor
Level: 53
Asmodian Only

Smash the Balaur in the Nunglark Ruins and take Dratamin and 50,000 Kinah to Nysdvor. PlayerNysdvor says the Balaur in the Nunglark Ruins must be wiped out before they become too strong. Follow his instructions.
Nysdvor got reports that the Balaur in the Nunglark Ruins are gathering strength and show signs of establishing a base in the village.

He sent you in to defeat Balaur and steal their rations, promising you a set of gloves as reward.

After wiping out your foes and taking the Dratamin, Nysdvor praised your work, saying he'd let you know when he received your gloves.

Full quest's text:
Great Aion, they don't know when to quit. You'd think the thrashing we gave them would teach them a lesson....

Ah, Player. I was just thinking about those Balaur who destroyed the Sapien village. It seems they're still lurking about.

If we weren't deadly enemies, I could admire their tenacity, as stupid as it may be.

Player: "Are they causing problems?"

When are the Balaur not? I've gotten disturbing reports from the Nunglark Ruins.

Their activity and numbers are increasing. My superiors are concerned they're planning to take over the area as a base of operations.

It seems those blasted scale-headed weaklings don't remember what Asmodae did to them before.

Player: "Perhaps they need to be reminded."

Exactly! I like the way you think, Player!

A Balaur base at that village would seriously hamper future movement in this region. I've gotten orders to prevent that by any means necessary.

But look around you. I have to deal with the Sapiens and Reians here, not to mention coordinating patrols. Can you go in and take out the Balaur in my stead?

Player: Accept.

Make sure to steal Dratamin from the Balaur you defeat. They're rations, so if the Balaur get hungry, they'll clear out sooner.

It might take more than one raid to send them packing, so to repay you for your trouble I can get you a top notch set of gloves.

If you bring 50,000 Kinah for Shugo fees, I can get the ball rolling on that. In the meantime, happy Balaur hunting!

Player: "Blood for blood!"

Ah, I can smell the stench of Balaur on you, not to mention their blood. I assume you had a good hunt?

Do you have their Dratamin? And if you want those gloves, I'll need that 50,000 Kinah.

Player: "Here's the Dratamin...and the Kinah."

Okay, but just to make sure you know, it'll take a while for those gloves to be made and get into my hands.

So in the meantime, you'll be short the Kinah. If you can't afford it right now, you might want to think twice about this.

Player: "No, that's okay, here's everything."

I know I told you to reduce the Balaur forces, but I also need you to bring back that Dratamin I mentioned.

Otherwise, the survivors will just pick it off the corpses, and they'll have enough food to dig in no matter what we do.

So get that Dratamin. And don't forget the 50,000 Kinah too, for those gloves.

Player: "You'll have what you need."

Disgusting stuff, that Dratamin. If any Human or Sapien tried to eat it.... Well, I don't know anyone who's tried, but I can't imagine anyone keeping it down.

I'll make sure it's destroyed. Those Balaur will be short manpower and resources, thanks to you.

If those gloves came in, they're yours. In the meantime, I'll need you to conduct more raids in the future. At the rate you're going, though, the Balaur won't last long!

Basic Reward
icon 2 056 300 XP
- [Event] Old Yellow Sack
Additional reward (please select) when completed 30 times
- Gelkmaros Gloves
- Gelkmaros Vambrace
- Gelkmaros Handguards
- Gelkmaros Gauntlets
Additional info
Quest giverNysdvor
Recommended level53
Repeat count30
Can share
Can cancel
RaceAsmodian Only
ClassWarrior, Scout, Mage, Priest, Gladiator, Templar, Assassin, Ranger, Sorcerer, Spiritmaster, Chanter, Cleric, Soldier, Executor

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